Love ya, Beto, but indecisiveness is not going to make you electable
At some point, a non-decision essentially becomes a decision. This was not well thought out, regardless of which way he’s leaning.
You’re young and we’ve got how many Dems that say they’re going to run for the office? I can understand that you might be worried that this is your opportunity being afraid people might forget you now that you’re not in a public office.
“Is there something that I can contribute beyond what I have already done that the country needs right now. Do I need to be back in the arena?”
Just sayin’
I am glad he is holding off a presidential run. I hope he will make another Senate run, for Cornyn’s seat, whether the incumbent runs or not.
Good. He is an inexperienced, blue-dog, conservative Democrat who couldn’t even beat Ted Cruz.
Gotta say I really appreciate his honesty and candor in this exchange. Even a little acknowledgement at being caught unprepared, i.e. without a better formed message for this inquiry from Politico. That’s in part what vaulted him to the rock-star status he got in the race against Cruz.
I think this is much too harsh. He did quite well against Cruz. And let us be perfectly honest in admitting that had the Republicans nominated a literal pile of manure, it would likely have won because they are so thoroughly programmed. I don’t blame Beto for getting a bit caught up in some of the hype about his candidacy. It does take charisma (not always easily defined) to win the White House, but for me, I also want some substance, a defined set of policies and enough history that we don’t entirely have to take it on faith. For now, at least, I think Beto can best serve the party by staying in Texas politics at the local level.
If he’s lukewarm then he shouldn’t run. Maybe his best bet is to try and pick of the other Senate seat? It might be an even longer shot than Cruz’s seat but he might be able to punch up the TX momentum better than a National one if he keeps stalling.
I would love for him to run but, not if his heart’s not in it.
Who knows, maybe his angle is to get the VP Nod in 2020 and then run for President in 2028?
That is definitely what I want to see. We have good presidential candidates. But who better than him to make a Senate run inTX?
I’m exhausted too. All these hats already in the ring that’ll be put through the ringer. Restraint can be a virtue is what I’m saying.
You are wrong. Beto ran a very progressive (by Texas standards) and energetic race that pulled way more votes (and $$) than any statewide candidate in recent memory. His campaign helped down-ballot races in a year when the Dem gubernatorial candidate was a complete dud. (We need to do way better there.)
Beto helped Texas Dems this year. I hope he runs statewide again. We already have more than enough presidential aspirants this go-round.
Go big or don’t run. He will almost certainly lose to cornyn and end his political career a two time loser.
psssst…(he’s our resident troll)
Good call, Beto; you are way, way too not ready. He is a very talented guy, and I love the fact the Bernouts hate him, but he’s not ready to run for President of the United States.
This is damning enough:
Last week was the week Biden showed, for the zillionth time he has the fuck up gene.
We only have one?
This is what I was saying the other day. If he isn’t on fire with wanting to be president then he shouldn’t run. And I"m so glad my first choice, Kamala Harris, has announced.
Have we impeached the motherfucker yet?
LOL you got me… have a good Saturday, outis.
Me too. And if he’s wondering what he can do for his country , Taking out Cornyn would be an obvious start.