Discussion: Beto Admits To Senate Campaign Staffers He Could Be A 'Giant A**hole'

Really TPM?

Anyway, he doesn’t have a prayer.


Very old “news”.
I also believe he won’t get the Klobuchar treatment even though there was nothing (NO VIDEOS! NO EMAILS!) to back up the claims of her “abusive” acts.
If the media won’t treat candidates fairly, I’d rather they not pretend to care about how Beto or Sanders or Biden treat their staff. Just admit it, you don’t care and it’s still not equal for candidates of different genders. Tomorrow no one will bring this Beto stuff up but they’ll always remember the “bitch boss”.


Table-standing guy is still around?

Come on, TPM. We come to you for actual news, not daily beast-style, overtly malicious, out-of-context clickbait headlines.


“I just feel very, very lucky, and I love you guys more than you’ll ever know,” he reportedly says in a group hug with staff just before he conceded to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) in a narrow loss in the 2018 midterms. “I know I was a giant asshole to be around sometimes, and you all never allowed my shortcomings to get in the way of running the best campaign this state has ever seen.”

This is newsworthy, why?


But can we have an overstuffed panel of experts on CNN discuss whether he is still “likeable”? Senator Kornblucher would certainly like to know.


Nah , None of the above
We come for the witty reparte and snarkfest in the comments section, always striving for that “Great Post” among our peers


Voters are looking for someone who is REAL, not a pre-packaged, demographic-tested, polished, robot who only says what the highly-paid speech-writers and image-handlers have polished and group-tested for days for them to say.

That is one of the MAJOR reasons that people voted for Trump. He was REAL to them (I know, I know…)
Hillary’s biggest failure was ALWAYS responding to every question with focus-group-tested lawyer-speak (which she does not do in private.) That made her appear disingenuous and FAKE to voters, and it cost her the election (among many, many other things.)

Beto should not succumb to the $$$ handlers and suits. He needs to remain REAL. That REAL PERSON is the one that almost beat Ted “Fucking” Cruz IN TEXAS in 2018.
It is one of the things that originally attracted people (especially young people) to Bernie, and is one of the refreshing things about Buttegeig.

Say what you will about Cheeto Mussolini (and I frequently do) but he has mastered the APPEARANCE of “speaking his mind” and that has a very, VERY powerful appeal to voters, who respond to the FEELING not the actual MESSAGE.



A TOUGH, DEMANDING, “Do your Fucking Job!” BOSS is a “Leader” if they are a Man, and a “Bitch” if they are a woman.

I don’t see that false idea changing anytime soon (unfortunately.)


Why not, Porn-star-fucking Payoff guy is…





Not 4 long, but you’re going to miss him.

Beto, do your country a favor and go back to Texas and run against Cornyn.


Yeah, well. You DIDN’T vote for him did you?

Talk to the people who DID. It will open your eyes.

No kidding. Wonkette gets to the point on this one, unlike TPM.


I know who voted for him, because it’s why I can’t take anything that Ted DiBiase says seriously.

However, ‘real’ can be seen as a general term.

Just what I was going to say. I like this guy, I feel strongly that he’ll have a great future in politics, but go beat Cornyn’s ass first. Be part of the solution. We’ve got way too many people running for president who should absolutely be running for Senate instead. I’m still hoping some of them are simply using this platform to pivot to a senatorial bid when they lose.