That’s nice. Will Russia be helping him as well?
Has he started blaming Hillary yet?
As a NH 2nd resident I will be curious to see how he plays in the more conservative 1st. And if he doesn’t win the primary will he and his voters blame the DNC.
That district is tilting red…
The 48-year-old Sanders has lived in New Hampshire for 15 years. He’s in Claremont, in the 2nd Congressional District. The U.S. Constitution requires only that U.S. House members reside in the state they serve, not necessarily in the same district.
sigh…welcome back 2017.
prolly a typo
Whatever you think of Bernie, aren’t we done with nepotism for awhile? I say da.
I don’t have any problem with the guy and would be open to his candidacy as I would any other, we don’t get to pick our parents, but I don’t want to hear a damn thing about political dynasties ever again.
I detest Sanders, but this isn’t nepotism. What’s going on in the WH with PP hiring his completely unqualified children is nepotism.
Well, I disagree about the definition of nepotism in this case, but agree with your opinion on Sanders. On the big points we agree.
Oh FFS. Enough with the banana republic politics. No more Sanderses, Clintons, Cuomos, Bushes, Trumps, and even Kennedys. It’s truly a sign of a degenerate democracy.
Has he started blaming identity politics?
I’ve always thought that was incredibly arbitrary and silly. Bobby Kennedy would’ve made an excellent president, Teddy would’ve too, and I very much look forward to Joe III doing big things. I hate the idea that potentially great leaders should be sidelined because of the choices of their relatives, choices they often had little to no say in. Besides, I’m still holding out hope that Sasha Obama will someday feel the fire in her belly.
Agreed. We don’t criticize perceived nepotism in other sectors. Just look at the multigenerational makeup of the armed forces. Or the uniformed services like police and fire.
Hey, I’ve got a great idea – let’s all pour some more salt in each other’s wounds and then scream at each other some more. The Republicans will hate that!
Chappaquiddick. Ted Kennedy should never have served in public office. Dems come up with all kinds of excuses for him. A dark stain on the party.
I agree with Plucky.
He has just as much right to run as anyone else and all that jazz…
However, I had better never hear any whining about “political dynasties” and such from the diehard Berners ever again… especially if he wins.
The difference between dynastic system and a non-dynastic one isn’t arbitrary. It’s truly problematic that we’re the only so-called advanced democracy in which the rulers’ offspring, spouses, and–this is really medieval–the unqualified widows of suddenly-dead politicians receive political power as if it were a hand-me-down. The ease with which Trump has been able to install his family into key positions is not an aberration; it’s the logical result of our infantile politics. (Sorry to sound so ratty, the news from the SC about immigrant detention has sent me over some kind of edge.)
How long has LS actually been a registered Democrat? The article does not say.