Discussion: Bernie Sanders Cuts His Head While Campaigning In South Carolina

That is not a band aid on his head…its a maxi-pad SUSAN SARANDOPE insisted he wear in support of women everywhere.

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I am almost 88, the family insisted on grab-bars in the shower…I have a plastic shower curtain, so far I am doing fine. but I am well aware of my limitations…… I love being this age…[consider the alternative].and I enjoy the discussions and snark of the youngsters…for improved balance… try tai-chi…or yoga…


exactly, older men trying to project youthful vigor always come off as being pathetic……accept your age and learn to project experience, wisdom and patience….you can never ‘out run’ the young men /women…just stand back. let them do their thing and smile. wisely, as they mess up…as they sometimes do… as they are in a hurry.


If he gets injured from “running into a door” more than once, you have to consider domestic violence.

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This is the part where, if he was a Republican, I’d probably be slamming him for taking advantage of the excellent government paid health care he gets as a member of Congress – while at the same time trying to take health insurance away from his constituents.

But the wily socialist has precluded that that through his sneaky strategy of spending decades advocating for health care for all. I mean it’s almost diabolical how he planned so far ahead!

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I’m older than Bernie and I tore my rotator cuff getting bucked off a horse I was training. Some of you have already decided you will quit living after 60 or so it seems, most people don’t hurt themselves sitting in their Barco lounger. Age is a state of mind, and Bernie is in his 20’s mentally, unlike our 100 year old president.


Biden has way too much baggage I think. Soon the videos of him saying Roe v Wade went too far, or the Anita Hill debacle, or him supporting the Iraq invasion will surface. He looks old, acts old, sounds old, thinks old. Name recognition will only get you so far.


I don’t necessarily disagree.

But imagine being Obama and having to decide whether to endorse Biden or someone else.

well us “bernouts” will just not vote. Likes of you will need it by the barrel

And then complain again when folks assign you part of the blame for the outcome. Self awareness is hard…


Such an old fashioned bandage.


That’s a stupid response. And I don’t think you’re stupid but … let’s review.

You said you “know that there are many folks who want to have B.S.'s coronation now.” I asked you to name just one such person. The one person you named then told you that you were mistaken; and you admitted it openly.

Which leaves zero as the number of people you’ve identified “who want to have B.S.'s coronation now.”

Then you said:

My substantiation is based on countless conversations and observations that I’m unable and certainly unwilling to provide for your mastication.

Clearly your understanding of the word “substantiation” is … highly unusual.

For reference: If you are “unable and certainly unwilling” to provide information, that’s fine, really, but in that case do try not to use the word “substantiation” to describe your hand-waving.


Thanks for your concern, but it was misplaced. I wasn’t consuming the soup …


@darcy @tena @rollinnolan @moderately @pacifictime

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Stir that pot! Stir it!


If encouraging people to think about what they say is stirring the pot, then, yes, I will try!

Oy gevalt!

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That’s one “ha” short.


THIS is stirring the pot, that’s what I was saying. Picketty-poo and a string of callouts. Looks more like attention-seeking than serious rhetoric to me.

But hey, I’m just an observer in this “fight.” I remember how involved I could get in picketty poo myself, back in the day. “Somebody’s WRONG on the Internet!”


If you say so, but I prefer to think of it as a clear response to unserious rhetoric – which is literally what it was.


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