So what?
A number of Jewish reps have been quoted in recent days criticizing her. So why not report about a Jewish senator who has given her support.
Does Bernie still admit that he’s Jewish?
(I think that she showed an insensitivity to the complexity of the issue on which she spoke. But I also think people jumped all over her–this is the kind of thing where someone should have spoken to her in private, as I suggested out here at the time. And I admire her open and full-throated apology.)
Still, seems to me to be a nothing story.
Yes, he considers himself Jewish, it’s not just the part of his identity which he organizes his life around. This should be a nothing burger, if the minority leader hadn’t called on her to be kicked off the forieign affairs committee and she hadn’t been roundly criticized by democrats.
the old goat is trying to grab onto another woman’s coat tails…be careful; ILLHAN…he isn’t your friend…
Doesn’t this story give the whole thing more legs? Let it pass into history.
Bernie actually lived for a time in Israel.
As an Independent? Or as a Democrat?
This should be a nothing burger latke.
“another?” Who was the first?
BTW I find it distasteful when our side resorts to demeaning Trumpish insults of the opposing side. Even more so when you use such childish insults against someone on OUR side. And if you don’t think Bernie is on our side you’ve totally lost the plot.
AND of course Bernie is her friend, politically speaking at least.
Words cannot express how obsessive and foolish the Bernie haters on this site can be… and I say that as a Bernie-supporter-who-voted-for-Hillary-in-the-general AND one who fervently hopes he doesn’t run again this time…
But every time a commenter here takes a gratuitous hit at Bernie, the irresponsible part of me that just wants to see idiots get what’s coming to them hopes a little more that he will run, just so I can enjoy watching Bernie-basher heads explode all over the internet!
You’re not helping.
Bernie lost the plot in the primary and during his sulk at the convention.
Hillary put the better part of a lifetime building up the infrastructure of the Democratic Party.
Bernie toursemphasized text the country knocking the Democratic Party to the day.
Not the Bernie versus Hillary wars again, please. Can we not move on and anticipate 2020 rather than endlessly fighting 2016 over and over until doomsday?