Discussion: Bernie And Warren Made A Secret Agreement Not To Attack Each Other

Maybe he was addressing a question he was asked?

Just a thought.


Again, what is with comments like “the likes of Bernie Sanders”? What is with you people?

There is some source of baseless negative attacks out there. Are you doing this consciously or have you just been swept up with the nonsense?


From the article:

Then, on Wednesday, Politico shared a story on Wednesday by tweeting, “Centrists are coming around to Elizabeth Warren as an alternative to Bernie Sanders,”

How is this “bs”? I’m not following your argument. You assert the point that centrists are supporting Warren (or, at the very least, playing up her chances), but you call it “bs” when Sanders says exactly the same thing??


The article overstates the facts. Warren and Sanders made an publicized agreement. Because something is unpublicized doesn’t make it secret.


BS because he said it was a conspiracy. Why can’t Third Way support Warren because they really like her, even if they disagree with her on some issues? As if only Saint Bernard is allowed to be attractive.


I hope you’re wrong.

It’s not a secret any more.

Where and when?

His tweet “The cat is out of the bag. The corporate wing of the Democratic Party is publicly “anybody but Bernie.” They know our progressive agenda of Medicare for All, breaking up big banks, taking on drug companies and raising wages is the real threat to the billionaire class.”

With that POLITICO article about Warren attached.


The Sanders bashing reminds me too much of Daily Kos in 2016. I was a very early joiner there and quit mid-2016 and I’ve never been back.

Heretofore I am going to quit reading anything on TPM about Sanders because it brings out those who cannot see the forest for the trees. Or maybe it brings out those infamous people/forces who are trying to interfere with our elections. Either way, we need to quit internecine squabbling and focus on the real catastrophe: Trump. I will vote for whoever runs against him. Period. And withhold sniping at other candidates, especially when substantive issues are not being discussed.


and the notion that the candidates shouldn’t actually compete strikes me as bizarre.

You’re right and they will compete but w/o making it ugly. They both understand that one or the other has to win the WH in order to change the conversation and bring their message to Washington. And NY Magazine can play the gossip game as well as any publication. Put NY in front of a magazine publication and people tend to think ‘serious journalism’ and must be ‘beyond reproach’.

Good. But I expect this will be part of R[ussia]T[oday]'s next “What about?” headline when we commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Hitler-Stalin non-aggression pact.

Bernie & Warren are close enough to each other policy-wise that it makes sense they would need to be careful about attacking each other. Most policy-based attacks could be reused by the GOP in the general.

Of course, “close” doesn’t mean “identical,” and I think there are legitimate policy reasons to prefer the one over the other. I hope this agreement of theirs doesn’t deprive primary voters of the opportunity to see those differences contrasted.


You wrote that Sanders called something a “conspiracy.” My question was about your assertion.

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Well, the ThirdWay said they might support Warren and then Sanders said the corporate wing was undermining his progressive agenda. Did he have to write “conspiracy” explicitly?


They really don’t like her. They criticized Warren in 2013.
Third Way’s Kessler said they endorse anyone but Bernie. Bernie shot back at Third Way in his tweet…

Here’s Sanders on the subject:

“That tweet was not about Elizabeth Warren at all. Not at all. Elizabeth is a friend of mine, and we’re going to run what I hope are issue-oriented campaigns," Sanders told CNN’s Chris Cuomo on “Cuomo Primetime.”

“This was though, a very strong statement about a group called Third Way, and you know that Third Way is the corporatist wing of the Democratic Party,” he continued.


If you claim he said it, I’d like to see where.

If he made no such claim and it’s merely your attempt at paraphrase, that’s fine.

Not in 2013 but maybe in 2020. If you wanna take Sanders’ words literally, then apply the same standard to everyone else, including ThirdWay.

But this agreement does not apply to hack pundits making up fake quotes and turning them into headlines, unfortunately.

Check out this sleazy hackery from Vanity Fair.


What Bernie actually said:

“I think that there are a certain number of people who would like to see a woman elected, and I understand that,” Sanders said. “There are people who would like to see somebody who is younger, and I understand that also. There are a lot of factors out there.”

We’ll be seeing tons of this garbage.


The Bernie Bros didn’t get the message. They are beating Warren down relentlessly.

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