Discussion: Bergdahl's Mother Sends Message To Son In Emotional Press Conference (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #223386

Ted Cruz should be required to meet with these folks and explain to them on national TV why we should have sent in a military strike to extract their son.


I don’t know—I honestly wonder if even that could shame Ted Cruz. He knows as well as anyone that a military strike would have been a death sentence. But he just doesn’t care. He’ll literally say anything. I’ve never seen anyone like him in public life, and I was a college student when Nixon was president.


I am so happy for this family.


I too was in college when Nixon was president and Cruz makes Nixon look like Socrates in comparison. Mind you, Nixon also gave us the EPA.


Nixon also had H.R. Haldeman as his Chief of Staff, and “Bud” taught Dick Cheney everything he knows.

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although unlikely (and gawd i hope it doesn’t come to this), i would love to see her confront these republican assholes who would be just fine to having bergdahl still being held.
i read a comment somewhere by someone reacting to the accompanying photo of obama and the mother and father … snarking that the white house should have at least advised the soldier to shave before he made his appearance before the press. not realizing it was the father. that’s how friggin stupid these people are.


I think your right. These people have no shame.

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Matt, when I was a kid Joe McCarthy was a big deal with his committee on UnAmerican Activities. He would smear anyone in his pursuit of commies and what he called “reds”. He destroyed people’s reputations and their lives. Eventually one person (I forget whom) said "at long last sir, have you no shame? That was the beginning of McCarthy’s downfall. The weird thing is how similar in appearance McCarthy and Cruz are. And character as well. I submit McCarthy is the only person who compares to Cruz.


Gee, they didn’t even call for Obama’s impeachment! Fancy that.

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You’re absolutely correct. Cruz is a Joe McCarthy clone. But Joe McCarthy was the clone of every two-bit wannabe fascist dictator, ‘saving the nation’ from enemies within… That’s what they all claim as they try to take over.

Heh, give 'em time. They’ll get around to it.

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Remember back in the good old days when they trotted out that whole ‘compassionate conservative’ thing? Whatever happened to that?

Compassionate and conservative don’t belong in the same sentence.

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Joe Welch, counsel for the US Army, was the man who uttered that phrase, which began the end for Joe McCarthy.

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McCarthy died when I was a toddler, so I have no memories, but I couldn’t agree more about the uncanny similarities. The times were different then, but I’d say they both became influential because there’s a segment of our society that lives in a state of permanent near-hysteria.

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The Super-Patriotic American Reichwing

You know word belongs in the same sentence as “conservative?”


Thanks. I’ve been trying to remember who uttered that phrase.