Discussion: Benghazi Prompts 'Morning Joe' Panelist To Go On Epic Rant Against GOP (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #222681

Looks like the Republican Party Civil War is on. The Chamber of Commerce wing (ppl like Brian Sullivan) recognizes that alienating certain demographics - as the Redneck/Religious wing just can’t help themselves from doing - is bad for business. And the Redneck/Religious wing couldn’t care less about what the Chamber of Commerce wing thinks.


The GOP has alienated the very people who actually work to get out the vote for Republican candidates. They feel isolated within their own party by extremists. They are ashamed of the petty remarks, obstructionism and outright hateful image that is being projected by both Wall Street executives and the Dixiecrats.

This guy didn’t mispeak. He’s really disgusted like all the Reganites.

The fact that all of the TeaParty, and especially the Koch Brothers, dismiss The Gipper and his legacy also makes volunteers feel unhappy and marginalized. Today’s Republican Party would never had nominated Ronnie and these suburban Republicans know it. The TeaParty has dishonored Regan’s memory and are proud of it.

It’s actually kind of sad but many of Reagan’s peers don’t remember him either because they’ve become so old and infirm. .

None of this is a good sign for the GOP in the Midterms. The Independents aren’t even looking back now. They are moving on to embrace many progressive causes.


You know- most of us are sick of the money being wasted on more hearings regarding Benghazi. We know what happened. All this comes down to the Republicans being desperate to attack the Democrats on what they hope is a “winning” issue. Of course, the fact that it probably won’t get very far hasn’t really sunk in to them yet.


Benghazi will destroy the Republican party, along with Turd Blossom’s ridiculous attacks on Hillary. Rove won’t have the opportunity to “swift boat” Hillary. She’ll let him have it when the time comes. Everyone is tired of the negative attacks anyway.


What do you call someone who will spend millions of dollars investigating something that has already been investigated ten times?

A "fiscal conservative.


Of course, Sullivan just said out loud what everyone on the left have known for a while now. For Republicans like him (assuming he is one), there’s no longer a viable party for him to be connected with. (That is, if he’s not willing to join the Dem Party). There’s just no longer any “there” there.

He also alludes to the fact that Fox stokes the fear and anger of older, White people because THAT’S what makes up the majority of the Republican party now.


when the autopsy is ultimately done, it will be determined that the disease process that killed the Republican Party originated in Texas - in the mid/late 1980’s with the infestation of the ultra right - ultra religious born-again - conservative who ultimately consumed the Texas GOP and spread out from there - the encouragement of intolerance of others then created a hospitable environment for mutations like the Tea Party and Ted Cruz.


Congratulations to Brian Sullivan on your “Luke, help me take this mask off” epiphany.


This is the way the GOP ends. Not with a bang but a rant on Morning Joe.


Yes and no. For all their bullshit and brimstone, the firebreathers just nominated Mittens and before him, stupid-ass McCain. This time they’ll probably nominate establishment type Jeb, which should scare us. I hope they nominate fucking-teahadder Rand Paul, but this ain’t the Bush family’s first rodeo and we can’t underestimate them.


Frequently have discussion of matters like this with some “Republicans” (ones who would prefer Eisenhower over what exists today) … they don’t say much … mostly look down at their shoes.


where did this “St Ronnie couldn’t get nominated today” meme come from. “Government is not the solution; it’s the problem” is Ronnie’s line. He opened his campaign in Philadelphia MS - a dog whistle I could hear.
This is his creation.


While I feel sorry for Mr. Clarke, I think we know where this is coming from – Neo-Mithraism. Mithraism was a concatenation of Zoroastrian and nativist beliefs that gained traction, especially among working-class, low-information males when the Roman Empire went into decline. Basic themes involved blaming other groups for your problems, geocentrism (one in five American adults) and astrology, lack of personal accountability, anti-taxation and Emperor (i.e. Big Government), macho talk, sausage fests, public declarations of celibacy and anti-homosexualty and discomfort with upper-class debauchery, pretty much anything to do with bulls (rodeo and bullfighting) and caves, patriotism, hollow revolutionary talk while clinging to reactionary conventions (Tea Party), and so forth, obsession with Middle East, including Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan due to its Persian origins. The modern GOP more resembles a cult or religious movement than a political party. As a result, arguments on policy can be completely fact-free; evidence, or more specifically establishing your argument is backed by a preponderance of evidence, no longer matters. Again, I can sympathize with a reality-based Republican, but the Crazy Train left the station a long time ago and he bought the ticket.


Benghazi is covered far more than it should be. It is a tragic event of course, but there are many tragic events. By continuing to harp on this one, it is clearly just trying to use tragedy for political purposes. There is no scandal, no cover-up, just a tragedy. Attacks on embassies and consulates are pretty common. This wasn’t even close to the worst attack we have had, yet there has been more attention paid to this than probably all of the past embassy attacks combined. People complaining about Benghazi not getting covered enough either are completely ignorant of history or are purposely using lost lives for political gain. The more Republicans talk about Benghazi, the more disgusted I am with them.


I guess you are assuming the rhetoric from Reagan is more important than the record of Regan. Raised taxes 18 times, raised the debt ceiling more times than I can remember, government grew under him, not shrank, etc. You may be right, but the particular quote comes from people who understand what he actually did, not what he said.

And by the way, the scarborough show is not worth the time to watch it.


I would agree and disagree. I agree with you completely that they’ll nominate JEB. Why? Because, to paraphrase Charles Pierce, he’s all they’ve got, bitches. No one else even comes close to being acceptable (and that’s really saying something, none of it good.)

Having said that, he has no chance of actually getting elected. I’m not underestimating someone who just can’t pull it off. If McCain couldn’t do it and on paper, he looked like a great candidate, no way JEB can.


J, the rhetoric of Reagan is what created this monster. I am well aware of the record. I am also well aware that the rhetoric continued in spite of his actions. St Ronnie’s ability to bamboozel the so-called “librul press” to accept that he governed as he spoke is what has led to his canonization.


I just want to say that Mark Halperin is still a colossal dick.


Although he did get just a bit (and I mean that seriously, as in a small amount) pedantic, it was as if a breath of fresh air suddenly sprang up in the world of television news/talk show idiocy. Here is a lifetime Republican telling the other wingnuts on the panel to STFU about what is and isn’t important to the public. His take-down of the Teapublicans is epic. Brian Sullivan is the first journalist in a very long time to stop with the false equivalents of, “Well, if the Teapublicans are this right wingnut crazy, then the Democrats must all be wild-eyed, bomb-throwing leftists.” Are you listening Chuck Todd? I saw you sitting there with your usual ‘dear in the headlights’ look.