Discussion for article #227081
No evidence of wrong doing just another Repuk waste of Taxpayer money
nothing found yet except a few joint reports that said all is well
Yeah, but you have to understand that Fox News said there’s a scandal. Therefore because such as
Like what?
Maybe they’ll find some yellow cake uranium while they’re at it.
That’s a lie that’s been debunked multiple times by multiple investigations. Even as recently as August 4, a GOP-led Intelligence House Committee investigation concluded no wrongdoing by the administration. There have been multiple ongoing investigations that have turned up absolutely nothing as far as damning evidence against the administrations actions.
You’re being lied to. Stop watching Fox News and start getting your information from credible sources. If you think I’m wrong, please provide evidence that Rice was lying.
You mean send out Condi Rice to lie about ignoring CIA memos warning of 9/11?
I suppose if you don’t have any policies that would be attractive to voters any longer, you could waste your time talking about something else that doesn’t matter to votes, too, like Benghazi.
But its just making you look even more like a Washington Insider slacker who isn’t interested in doing your job. If Republicans would rather be K Street lobbyists, why don’t they just quit like Palin and be done with it?
The GOP needs to stop clogging up the halls of Congress so nothing ever gets fixed by Democrats. That’s my 2014 Democratic Christian campaign slogan: “Quit like Palin, for heaven’s sake.”
Like the fossils of all those dead Republican policies that nearly bankrupted the nation like the Bush Doctrine, Trickle Down and outsourcing?
None of those things ever happened because…
“…I wouldn’t expect that you’re going to see a lot very soon…”
I wouldn’t expect that we’ll see anything very soon. We’re still waiting for Boehner’s laser focus on jobs.
You’re are joking, right? The House held a thorough investigation and concluded no wrong doing, despite the enormous desire to find something, anything!
This is only a scheme to keep it going until Hillary runs. Disgusting waste of taxpayer funds.
“Benghazi” is Republican for “squirrel”
Let’s let Republicans explain to voters why Benghazi is their biggest priority in 2016 and why it deserves one of the longest, most expensive investigations of any event in United States history.
Seriously, this shouldn’t be difficult. Democrats are fighting for healthcare, education, jobs, infrastructure, economic growth, peace and prosperity. Republicans are still stuck on conspiracy theories and Fox News talking points. Who will voters prefer?
Those must be invisible skeletons in the worlds largest’s walk-in-closet, because there’s nothing there.
Whatever happened to JOBS! JOBS! JOBS! How about Obamacare! What about those Death Panels? If Benghazi is all the Pubbies have to run on in 2016 then they really don’t have anything to show the American people how they would be better off with Pubbies running the country.
Wow. If you think voters in 2016 are really going to give a crap about how the State Department coordinated talking points for a Sunday morning talk show in the immediate aftermath of an attack that took place in 2012, best of luck to you. Please proceed.
Hey Dorothy, you keep clicking your ruby red slippers. Investigation 7 is the charm.
It’s a slow and steady move to the Left but voters know they deserve better than what the Republicans have done to them.
As the Reagan Republicans die off and more progressive Baby Boomers become the main Silent Majority voting block, the country will straighten itself out. Everyone who was born after WWII is sick of the GOP wasting our time and dwindling federal revenues of trivial stuff instead of fixing the major problems caused by conservative polices since the 1980s.