Discussion: Ben Sasse: America Is 'Not To Blame' For Russia's 'Soviet-Style Aggression'

What are you going to do about it Ben?


What are you going to do about it Ben?

Sasse 2020 !

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Senator from my state. All hat, no cattle. He talks a lot and then votes a straight “R” ticket in the Senate.

(I guess I fall into that category of “financially insecure”, because I can’t afford to move to another state.)


It’s not bizarre dude. Have you heard Trump talk about Putin and / or Russia the past two years?


Why not an f-ing thing. He votes with the tRump agenda 86% of the time.


Despite what cronies like Sasse say, we should not expect the Republicans in Congress will suddenly have an epiphany regarding their stupid and ever so dangerous support for Trump, the wannabe world dictator. Not gonna happen!


Oh, look, it’s the Trumpie Sasse pretending to care that the man he supports in the Senate is a TRAITOR.



This may get you a pass at the college reunions, pal, or it may not. If the people milling around the reception are as bright as you, they’ll know you did nothing to stop this. They may even be abrupt or rude to you. If things devolve enough you might get a glassful of middle-grade pinot grigio in your damn face. Bring a hanky, you prissy little wanker.


The time for mild rebukes by other Repubs is over. Act or shut the f up.


lol, two to one it will be stfu.

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Trump is right about America being part of the problem but I doubt for the right reason. Sad that we have this clown saying this because he discredits the truth with his idiocy.

As two people that are credible on the subject of U.S./Russia relations, now-deceased, independent journalist Robert Parry and Princeton professor Stephen Cohen, have written for years, NATO expansion to the east which now has included nine former Warsaw Pact nations as members, is at the heart of the problem. If you don’t know about the fact that in the early 90’s during the breakup of the former Soviet Union that the western allies promised Russia that we would not expand NATO as part of the bargain to allow the reunification of East and West German, it’s because our press and our politicians are clueless about this.

But NATO is just one problem, there are others and it’s not worth going down the list even on this website where people are generally well-informed as I’ll bet dollars to donuts I’m going to be accused of being a Trump toady and pro-Russian for even suggesting something other than the conventional wisdom that Russia is to blame.

He, and all the other Pearl Clutchers in the GOP (Flake, Corker) need to admit that it looks increasingly like Donald Trump and his campaign were guilty of collusion with Putin and his intelligence services. What good are Ben Sasse’s Ivy League credentials if he can’t connect or refuses to connect the dots.