Discussion: Ben Ray Lujan To Leave House Dem Leadership For Senate Bid

Rep. Ben Ray Lujan (D-NM) will run for the Senate, opening a spot in House Democratic leadership and making him the front-runner to replace retiring Sen. Tom Udall (D-NM).

How many New Mexican states does he represent?


Ben Ray Lujan is my representative (NM-3). I am kinda lukewarm about him for a number of reasons, but I have to think this is his race to lose. Announcing as early as he has is likely to scare off most Dem challengers, and I don’t see any GOPers at this time with sufficient statewide pull to beat him.


This is the most Democratic part of NM. Santa Fe is the population center but the rural areas are Democratic as well — FDR is still revered and a “living” presence for saving them from starvation. It would be difficult for Democrats not to hold this seat. There are plenty of high quality Democratic candidates in this district.

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