Discussion: Ben Carson's Facebook Campaign To Defend The Latest Holes In His Biography

Discussion for article #242654

So the defense to this fable about being the “most honest” student is that Carson presumably read the co-biographer “meatier” version and okayed the exaggerations, half-truths and lies.


I was going to ask my biographer to give me more meat. He pointed out too many women might surface to dispute such an embellishment.


As to the Yale hoax story, there are two ways to understand the tale. First he, and several other Yale freshmen were duped into taking their final a second time. The other students figured out they were being hoaxed but Carson didn’t, making him the biggest dupe of all. Or his professor was testing his students to determine just how honest they were. The contemporary reporting seems to support the former view. The interpretation forwarded by Carson seems to fit his self image and advance his personal narrative of being the smartest person in any situation. I think I am going to conclude Carson was duped but didn’t want to admit it in his book.


If the attempted stabbing story is a lie, then he’s a liar. If it’s true, then he tried to stab someone. I don’t want EITHER person as my president.


Rand Paul is sitting in his campaign office thinking, “What do I have to do to get noticed? I’m a racist, I’m a liar, I have bad hair, I occasionally say things that are ludicrous, I’m as appealing as a sweaty gym sock, and yet nobody notices me! Why? WHY? I need to do something really, really outrageous. Something that will make my mark on this news cycle. Maybe it’s time of… AQUA BUDDA MAN!!!”


Why do you guys keep picking on Uncle Tom errrrr… Uncle Ben?

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We’re just bad people.

Well, I suppose that technically every American is offered a full scholarship to West Point, just as every American over the age of 35 has the opportunity to be President.

Hey everybody, I was given a full scholarship to West Point and was also offered the position of Presidency. Only in America!


Ben Carson: Doesn’t think it’s fair to take stories from a few decades ago literally; Demands that stories written thousands of years ago be taken as the Gospel truth.


It was all a misunderstanding due to non-transparent writing by his ghost-writer?!

This is like that old Seinfeld episode where George says “It’s not a lie if you believe it…” Carson has adopted and coopted these stories so much that he’s convinced that he’s not lying, that they are actually the truth. This mental trick plays perfectly with the republican party because they simply make up facts in support of their claims. It’s a party that operates on faith, not facts. They see Carson as a man of faith. Having the media factcheck his claims doesn’t hurt but only burnish his credentials with the base. He is literally bullet-proof on these claims.

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The crowd (in unison): “just isn’t your year Rand, its just isn’t your year.”

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I could care less about these stories. Mr. Carson says enough batshit stuff to more than disqualify him. The fact that he wrote a biography which exaggerated is less a big deal than the clear evidence of brain damage he has suffered because of his religion. The fact that he fell for a fake exam and over inflated a memory about West Point are far less relevant than his refusal to believe in global warming, or science in general. I am far more worried about his complete lack of experience as an executive than the fact that a youthful violent episode may be less than true.


WOW, you summed it up well, there, wiscjoe ! Perfect analysis.

Read? No time for that, he’s very important.

The reason to credit a ghost writer is to be able to blame someone else for your exaggerations and lies! Bill O’Lielly does it. Why not Ben Carson?

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Sonya’s mental decline is a tragedy. Ben’s is just pitiful and comical.

A little reporting on the USMA admission process would of been helpful, TPM.
You can’t receive a scholarship to the USMA without applying and being accepted by the USMA. Since Carson never applied to the USMA he couldn’t have been offered a scholarship to the USMA. C’mon, TPM, this isn’t brain surgery here.

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