Discussion: Ben Carson Won't Stop Talking About Hitler

Discussion for article #241605

He just thinks Uncle Adolph was misunderstood.

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He has a serious eye blinking problem? His eye lids close for at least 2 or 3 seconds while he is talking.


I am beginning to think Carson thinks the only bad thing Hitler did was take away guns.


“He has a serious eye blinking problem? His eye lids close for at least 2 or 3 seconds while he is talking.”

Could be that pesky sponge left behind his eyes.


What does Deez Nuts think about all this?


The Jews who took part in the Warsaw Ghetto uprising had arms, but the Nazis had more…


Ben…hey Ben. Make sure you get to the ‘he made the trains run on time’ thing too.

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Constantly making Hitler and Nazi analogies are pretty common among people who don’t think very hard.


Actually what’s well known is that the Nazis WORSHIPPED guns. They just didn’t want the JOOS to have them, along with everything else.

Didn’t Jesus tell you that while he was helping you cheat on your chem exam?


You know who else talked about Hitler a lot?

Yeah, that’s right: HITLER!

No, seriously. The guy went on and on and on about himself, all the time. Kind of a warning sign, really.


Ben Carson will never get the 2016 Republican Presidential nomination
Therefore Ben Carson will never be President
Nor will be become a factor in subsequent Presidential elections
Everyone posting here is aware of this
Carson is instructive as a symbol of self-hate, misguided allegiances and other social maladies


FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, please someone get the hook and get this guy off the national stage!!

The massive stupidity coming out of this guy’s pie hole is starting to make Herman Cain look like Frederick Douglass.

You know Uncle Ben, telling the Anti-Defamation League that their position on what would and would not have stopped Hitler is “foolish” is just NOT a good a idea. Stop talking about it. And gays. And shootings. And immigration. And Muslims. And…


That was Mussolini.


I agree and I also think that he probably had a pretty good legacy thing going before he decided that he was to prove to America that he was the anti-Obama. That’s now up in flames.


He did. He managed to get out of Hopkins without actually being fired publicly. Even though his “retirement” wasn’t his idea, he could have maintained his legacy.

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When it comes to medicine & neurosurgery in particular, this man may be a genius.
However when it comes to history, political philosophy, sociology & government, he is painfully ignorant.


Yes. When this sort of thing is being said on network television by one’s own campaign manager–

“It’s an example [Carson] has been using for years and to be honest with you he needs to find a better example because the problem is as soon as you say Hitler, nobody hears anything else you say,” Carson’s campaign manager, Barry Bennett, told ABC News about Carson’s recent comments that Hitler could “happen here.” "It’s just so evil, so contemptible, that no one can hear anything else.”

–it’s a pretty clear sign that that dog won’t keep huntin’ for much longer.


You need to edit your headline to be more accurate … it should read “Ben Carson won’t stop talking.”

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There’s also the observable fact that when someone lies, they tend to blink … check out Fiorian’s passionate diatribe during the last debate … the one where she’s claiming having viewed something that doesn’t exist. No amount of dust in the air is going to get those false lashes flapping in the breeze with that ferocity.