Discussion for article #233336
From celebrated surgeon to celebrity sea sponge in the blink of an eye.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to schedule a Lidocaine bath at the spa…the stupid…it so burns…
Keep humping that rubber chicken, Dr. Carson. You’re still relevant, YOU ARE. Honest.
“If things are done to the contrary to the security of this country, whoever does them is guilty of treason.”
So according to facts and logic Carson is saying the Republican obstructionists should all be sent to Gitmo on treason charges?
“If things are done to the contrary to the security of this country, whoever does them is guilty of treason.”
A supposed constitutionalist ought to be familiar with the definition contained in Article III, Section 3: “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.” Lots of things could be contrary to the security of this country (gambling, smoking, driving too fast, for example) but they aren’t treason, Doc. I was at Hopkins during your time and I hope your diagnoses were more precise than that.
That certainly sounds like it… a trifecta… the Republicans get what they want (Gitmo doesn’t close)… the Democrats get what they want (control of Congress again)… and the American people get what we want (a functioning government).
Hmmm, maybe Mr. Carson is crazy like a FOX?
This guy is a riot. When he’s not plagiarizing right wing blogs he just says whatever pops into his head like they’re the most profound thoughts.
Someone needs to hand Carson a scalpel and tell him to get back to what he knows.
Anymore, I think that’s only being a celebrity… perhaps he could marry into the Kardashian family?
“If things are done to the contrary to the security of this country, whoever does them is guilty of treason.”
Spoken like a scholar in Constitutional Law. Oh, he isn’t? Nevermind.
Ben, Ben, Ben, the President does not have to accept anything from Congress. That’s why the Holy Founding Fathers gave the President the right to veto legislation he does not approve. It’s says so in the Constitution.
It’s the result of a lifetime spent as a neurosurgeon, I think.
I worked with cardiovascular surgeons some time ago, and the egos on those folks were something to behold: they were treated by patients as gods, and, I think, as a result, began to believe they were gods.
Neurosurgeons have to get the same kind of reaction, and with the same resulting effects on self-esteem.
Depends…Is his ass big enough?
"I would say break the funding for Homeland Security up into parcels.
Oh. OK. Parcels. Fantastic. He makes it seem so easy…
And…he’s back. I was getting worried with his whole ‘support vaccines’ position…
A Newsmax interview by a crAZy gives him the freedom to spew.
So the Constitution-loving Doctor has problems (besides his well-documented temper) with its restrictive definition of treason? Or is he saying it’s okay to torture the Prez until he says the “right” words?
My right words to Doctor Ben are “campaign flambé, anyone?”
What the good Doctor really said is that the Republicans in congress should be brought up on treason charges because they are incapable of passing a bill that the president would sign.
I guess a clip board and a confident manner is half of the act. It sure is funny to watch. Even J.D. Hayworth was like “wait a minute.”
So if Congress does not send him a bill funding DHS,the President is guilty of treason? And so many GOPs think Carson is their Great Black Hope.