He is truly someone who reflects the Judeo-Christian values that were so important to the establishment of our country,” Carson said in a statement released by Moore’s campaign
“Christian” grifters gonna grift.
It doesn’t take too much thinking to realize that they are all fuckin’ nuts!
This is the kind of ingratitude that makes you feel like you’ve been stabbed right in your belt buckle.
Oh Uncle Ben… Moore still ain’t going to like you darkies no matter how much you evangelically tea-bag him.
I think this is just Carson’s way of saying, “I really want out, but I’m too prideful to quit.”
Ben and Jesus look a little too familiar in that portrait hanging in Carson’s house, if you catch my drift. It probably gave Moore the heebie-jeebies.
Somehow I don’t think that Sec Carson is going to move many votes. Though he may have just made how hard he has to kiss ass - a whole lot steeper of a hill to climb - at the next Cabinet meeting.
The probability that Moore will win the runoff and the special election is frighteningly high. Nevertheless, the fiasco unfolding in Alabama shows me just how vapid right-wing evangelical “Christianity” is. These folks are not conservatives because they are fundamentalist “Christians”. They are fundamentalist “Christians” because they are rightwing conservatives and contort the teachings of Christ to justify their reactionary views. It’s just another facet of their tribalism like opposing reproductive rights, denying evolution and climate change, and inveighing against LGBT, immigrants and anything else that doesn’t fit into their milli-micron wide view of the world.
Second that—I think anyone who’s voting for the most Jesusy candidate is already down with Moore. Just shows you how out of it Carson is, though, if he thinks he’s allowed to endorse whomever he pleases guided solely by his faith and conscience. That stuff doesn’t cut much ice with Trump.
I figure there’s no way – NO WAY – I’m going to like anyone sent to the Senate by the fine citizens of Alabama. That being said, if they have to elect “somebody” – and I guess they do – I’d just as soon it be someone who is going to blow up the GOP caucus and make life even more horrible for Yertle the Majority Leader.
Word up - I agree. There’s no sense in our moaning about it - Alabama is Alabama. I like your outlook - this will make McConnell’s life more miserable.
Carson just committed a Hatch Act violation
Um…pretty sure Moore doesn’t want you in his country, Ben. Don’t hold your breath for a thank-you.
Is he covered under the Act? The president, vice president and various other high level federal employees are exempt.
I think this is real.
Carson is a genuine, bona fide kook.
They’re fighting mighty hard for two guys who’ll vote the exact same way 100% of the time.
It’s all theatrics. Who’s the “better Christian”, as if they understand the teachings.
Has anyone ever thought that the only Judaeo-Christian value might be crucifixion?
###“Where’s my black person?”
“psst-Donald!Ben doesn’t know where he is. Why should you?”