Discussion: Ben Carson: Not Every 'Lifestyle' Is 'Of The Same Value' (AUDIO)

Discussion for article #241523

“We’ve got to stop paying attention to the PC police who say every lifestyle is exactly of the same value,” Carson responded. “No, it’s not of the same value. It is very clear that intact, traditional families with traditional, intact values do much better in terms of raising children. So let’s stop pretending that everything is of equal value.”

How about, as a matter of social policy, we begin with assigning value not to “lifestyles” but to people.


I think what he’s saying is that some lifestyles only hold 3/5ths the value of others, amirite?


Something like that, yes. And this from a guy who, as his remarks make clear, is not a fan of relativism.

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This guy is a seething clarence with religious zealotry as his guide. No wonder his ‘peer reviews’ got muddy and he had to retire early!


“It is very clear that intact, traditional families with traditional, intact values do much better in terms of raising children.”

Well, no, Ben. Actually, study after study has shown that children growing up in non-traditional, loving family settings do just as well as children who grow up in traditional loving families.


Probably the most dangerous candidate on the GOP side…because he actually has traction in the GOP and he is a true Nazi


Who said that? He’s confused. I think the sentiment is every person’s life has equal value, authority and responsibility.


“Carson told Webb that young single mothers need the opportunity to finish their education.” Which is why you don’t defund planned parenthood.


We can all agree that not every lifestyle is of the same value. That’s not the question. The question is whether I can decide for someone else whether their lifestyle is as valuable as mine. The answer to that question is no.


A nice addition to this article would be to note that there is not an epidemic of unmarried births. While four in ten births are to unwed women, that is seven percent below what it was in 2007 when we hit the peak of unwed motherhood.

That’s right. At the end of the GOPs two Presidential terms when they controlled Congress more than the Democrats and controlled the Supreme Court completely, unwed motherhood hit its peak.

Then Barack Obama – a Democrat – was elected, and every year it has fallen.


So if you actually believe this crap, what’s your solution? Fight tooth and nail to strip out the birth control mandate in the ACA and close down every Planned Parenthood in the country? How’s that helping lower the unwanted teen pregnancy rate and keep girls in school?

And you do realize that for every teen girl that gets pregnant there’s an a-hole man who promised her the freakin moon to get into her pants and then abandoned her and the baby when they got to be too much of a hassle right? What’s the plan for them? A slap on the back and a high five for the next notch in their bedpost? What a stud huh?

The only way to fight this is to give the power and the choices to the ones who need it most - the teen girls.


And also, if one considers the divorce rate, which is greater than 50%, you can make the argument that it is now “traditional” to be a single parent.

Seriously, this guy is just oily.


Couldn’t agree more. The lifestyle of a self-rigtheous gay-hating right wing Christo-fascist ammosexual buffoon isn’t worth a damn.


Actually, a recent study found that children of lesbians are better adjusted as teens than kids than children of heterosexual couples.


Right on. +10.

Please make this man the Rep nominee. I bet he couldn’t win one state.


“We need to face the fact that when young girls have babies out of wedlock, most of the time their education ends with that first baby,” the retired neurosurgeon continued. “And those babies are four times as likely to grow up in poverty, end up in the penal system or the welfare system.”

I completely agree with him on this point.
Which is why abortion should be the default outcome for pregnant girls who haven’t, say, finished high school yet.
At government expense. And with a big bowl of ice cream afterwards.
And I don’t want to hear a goddamn thing about how spending taxes that way is against some people’s beliefs.
The people making that argument are currently stealing millions of tax dollars paid by American Democrats to slander a woman purely because she’s the Ds’ leading candidate for president,
They did the same 20 years ago because her husband was a Democratic president.
In between, they stole $6 ***tr***illion from the American people to destroy a country, destabilize a region, kill hundreds of thousands of people, torture and maim others, and displace millions more–over the moral [1] opposition of at least half of the American people.

Not using a few taxpayers’ dollars to invest in these young girls’ futures and make it more likely that they will finish school and have productive lives is against my beliefs.

[1] Republicans and self-described “conservatives” commonly feel that morality is entirely about sexual behavior, and don’t tend to apply the concept to, e.g., violence, lying, cruelty, theft, etc. That’s not morality, it’s a morality substitute.


Why look for solutions when you can shame and blame? What better way to look republican presidential than to spit on the people beneath you?

This man is their anti Trump? He is who they think we want to elect instead of Trump?

They thought that Herman Cain was a good choice. Now they think Ben Carson is the best choice? Please GOP skin color and gender aren’t the only criteria we have for voting. We like intelligence and common sense and common decency, which none of your candidates have.


Well, it’s about time we had a black Doctor… Evil.