Ben Carson, you’re fired!
Not that I blame Trump, Ben Carson’s list probably included Mickey Mouse, Ronald Reagan & Uncle Tom.
“He asked him to shine his shoes, he shined them and now it’s time to move on,”
After listening to Ben Carson Ryan will probably just shoot himself. The only worser conversation might be listening to a thirty minute Palin word salad.
And all this is news because . . . ?
The good doctor has had his fifteen minutes. Can we now let him fade into obscurity?
“And so Dr. Carson’s going to convey that in his own way of communicating.”
With closed-eyed mumbling or with belt-buckle stabbing?
Reports have it that the Cookie Monster was at the top of Carson’s recommendations.
Corey Lewandowski, the man who physically harassed a right wing reporter, is leading the search. And, I am sure, that his vetting skills are on par with that of his boss’ judgement calls.
Once they make a deal for Ben’s mailing list, he will be eased out of the picture entirely.
I assume Doctor Ambient thought it wax some sort of running race…
"He asked for his recommendations, he made them and now it's time to
move on," Williams said, adding that it was now up to Lewandowski to
"start the tough work" of vetting the candidates.
Carson: I have no hesitation in letting the media know that I recommended Hillary to be Trump’s VP. This will attract the strong women support that Hillary enjoys and it also clears Trump’s race so he can win unopposed and be POTUS. Hillary will be a heartbeat away from the presidency.
The really fun part of all this is trying to analyze the actions of these Keystone Kops, as if they were really an efficient police department. Or maybe, these kids trying to put on a show, as if they were a Broadway production.
Somehow, the stumble-bum, play it by ear, methodology just isn’t ready for the world stage.
I have the feeling that Carson’s business manager, Armstrong Williams, is going to make Carson a pauper. He’s probably robbing him blind and making him do all kind of stupid things, he has already screwed him so bad that I’ll bet he alredy broke Carson’s tailbone.
It’s 2017 in the alternate universe where Hillary accepted the Vice Presidency. What book is on her nightstand?
Cookie Montster would NEVER run on a ticket with Trump! He’s much too smart!
Carson’s attention has since pivoted to focusing on a meeting he’s scheduled to have with House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) ahead of Trump’s own visit with the speaker, Williams said. He said that Trump and Carson decided it would be strategically beneficial for the retired neurosurgeon to meet with Ryan.
Enjoy your week, Paul.
Tod Browning needed this cast of characters back in the 30s.
This is weird. I feel like I’m tripping but there’s no dead show.