Discussion for article #245644
He was listening to the voices in his head–per usual. Counts George Washington, Jesus, and Dog–and especially himself–among his closest conversants.
I’m going with clueless dicklock because clueless dicklock.
What an arse.
Okey-dokey, I got my popcorn and I’m all set to watch. How many are there now? Only 7!! Whoa nelly, these clowns have even more time to obfuscate, puff their chests, and lie through their teeth tonight…
OMG I turned it on just now and listened for 20 second. I can’t take. I;d rather watch Shameless reruns
Is that good?
You are more brave than I. I turned it on for 20 seconds. I couldn’t take it. Rubio has an Obama jones
Surprised Drumpf didn’t tip Carson like a washroom attendant.
He knows he’s a harmless threat, and that said, I’m surprised he didn’t either.
Not sure how long this is supposed to go for. I may not last. I’m already feeling like I should be doing something else.
ABC’s attempt at GOP Debate Introduction
They should have called out Snarly’s name just for giggles.
Not watching this one, but sounds like Rube is getting killed.
Great show.
The moderator asks Cruz about Obamacare and doesn’t even bother to bring up the lies he’s told about his own coverage for which he blamed on Obamacare. This is just a horribly moderated debate imo. And Carson is completely off his rocker. He’s done after this debate. Kaput. Toast. Hah.
Christie attacked Rrubio early on and it wasn’t pretty either. Rrubio looked like an idiot and Christie looked like a bully so I guess it was a wash.
Now they’re booing tRump over Jeb! confronting him on his take over eminent domain, in which tRump tried to privatize some land deal off the back of a little old lady’s property for his own use, and not for the public good. That’s probably the best jab Jeb! has gotten in towards tRump, and it really got under his skin. That was fun to watch.
Rubio seems to be Benjamin Button-ing as this debate goes on.
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As much as Doc/Sleepy has his head in the clouds, I gotta blame this one on ABC. They are so intensely incompetent, it blows my mind. Really? They didn’t have enough sense to turn watch the candidates walk onto the stage as they introduced them. All so that they could face the audience. Christ, they are dumb.