Discussion: ‘Beleaguered,' ‘Weak’: Trump Bashes Attorney General One Tweet At A Time

Anyone else remember how the “Lock her up!” chants resolved?

Hillary and Bill Clinton called him after the election, and Trump - finding them charming and feeling flattered - publicly declared them “good people.”

He said he would not seek to prosecute her. Some of his supporters were outraged, but he ignored them.


I’d bet serious money Sessions really, really regrets giving up s Senate seat that he’d probably would’ve held for life.

Why would any sane person, knowing they risk public humiliation if the don’t bow before Trump, willingly take a job in his administration? All that Trump touches turns to crap.

Hunter Thompson’s description of Nixon applies doubly to Trump:

He could shake your hand and stab you in the back at the same time. He was a swine of a man and a jabbering dupe of a president. [He] was an evil man—evil in a way that only those who believe in the physical reality of the Devil can understand it.

Trump is in fact your crazy uncle who is now in the White House.
With the Nuclear codes
He has Faux Derangement Syndrome®™ plain as day

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Of course, this would be very concerning.

Possibly even disturbing.

I suspect that one of the “lessons” that this idiot of a President has “learned” from the Comey blowback is that the problem was firing him.

So with Sessions, he’s trying to humiliate and marginalize him into resigning, something that is within his limited skill set.

But it’s so obvious and ham-fisted that the ultimate optics are hardly any better.

Plus, it’s a risky tactic if your target has a sense (however warped) of pride and honor. Makes me wonder how many capital-S Southerners Trump actually knows.


Trump is a cult. The same motivation that led hundreds to drink poisoned Kool-Aid in Jim Jones’ camp leads people to follow Trump. Slavish fascination, devotion and adoration of a cult leader. Trump fills some hole in people’s souls. He appeals to dark thoughts and urges they haven’t the courage or ability to express on their own. The spiritually lost often have a literal “Come to Jesus” epiphany and suddenly feel saved, at home, at peace. Millions in this nation have had that same experience, a “Come to Trump” epiphany. He has rescued them from the aimlessness, hazy focus and lost direction of their hate, fears and suspicions and showed the way to experience it all without shame, through him. He is their God.


I heard one commentator on CNN last night posit the question: What if Trump ALREADY ASK SESSIONS TO FIRE MUELLER? And he refused?


GOET is trying to ROPE in BERNEEBOTS with FAKE NEWS and promises to PROSTICUTE HIllyry!


Trump. The master of projection. “Beleaguered?” “Weak?” Does that sound like Trump, or what?


I love a healthy serving of schadenfreude for breakfast.
Considering that Sessions gave up a safe senate seat to take over as Attorney General, it truly is wondrous to see him being this humiliated on a daily basis.


public outrage against his pick for attorney general

I must confess that I misread this initially. Freud would probably have something to say about that.

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Sessions is a civil rights nightmare. And arguably just about the most effective member of the T-administration at achieving change in government.

If he is fired, it may be be the single biggest self-inflicted wound to the T-agenda and the administration.

With DJT’s new AG pick the person will be brand new to the job and will most likely not know what they are doing given T-boy’s requirements to take the job. And remember how many DoJ positions are still vacant, not appointed.

But regardless what what the new A.G. might be able to do in the future there are a bunch of T-supporters who are actually starting to catch on to the fact that nothing is really happening and are getting impatient now. Yanking out Sessions, who was doing things that they could see toward the platform DJT ran on, actually catches the attention of these people

Lawrence O’Donnell last night had some highlights from Rush Limbaugh on his show. Both Rush and a caller were questioning DJT. The caller actually called him a “wimp” for not “going out and doing anything” but just sitting there tweeting. Rush called DJT a “bystander” in the health care process and harped on it.


Bigly many.
And let us not forget that those investigations are looking at the many bigly crowd you surrounded yourself with because-You’re Too Stupid & Uninformed To Figure Out How To Pull This Off!!!


Just remember that Gordon Gekko has replaced Lady Liberty, and E Pluribus Unum is now Greed Is Good.

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They aren’t supporting him because of any campaign promises he made. They are supporting him because he is pissing off everyone else. Full stop. Every outrageous thing he does, be it against Dems, GOPers, the media, or anyone else…pisses someone off. And they love that.

Now, I agree, its freaking scary that we have that many millions of nihilists in our country. but that’s where we are. They don’t care about this country, or anybody else…they just want to flip a bird to EVERYONE. And Trump does that for them.

Its the Dennis Leary song writ large. There is no rationality involved, they just want to piss people off.


There are some punctuation errors in that headline:

‘Beleaguered, Weak Trump’ Bashes Attorney General…




Sessions can’t fire Mueller. He has recused himself from anything to do with the special counsel. That is why Rosenstein made the hire in the first place.

And that is the core issue of his ire towards Sessions. He didn’t want Sessions recusing himself, because then there would be no special counsel appointed in the first place (only the President and the AG, or his deputy if the AG is unable, can appoint a special counsel). He bit his tongue for a few weeks, but now that the noose is tightening, and Trump knows he is dead meat once they get into his financials, he is lashing out.

And here is the thing I am almost certain we will find out at the end. Sessions held his Russian meetings at the behest of Trump (sure, the request may have come through some intermediary, but it was from Trump). Rosenstein made the decision to hire the special counsel because of how Trump fired Comey (and threw Rosenstein under the bus for it). Every single step in this process has been caused by self inflicted wounds from Trump’s impetuous nature.

And THAT is the reason why some GOPers (donors) are realizing…this administration is already past the point of no return. Everything that is going wrong, is self inflicted. And that pattern will only get worse once there is an actual external crisis. Its Trump’s nature, and that will never change.


WHY would anyone vote for this ahole and/or jump on the bandwagon for any legislation he champions? He is clearly a man-child sociopath who doesn’t give a sweet sht about people or what affects them. Honest to God…I felt like I was watching a Nuremberg rally last night with the Boy Scouts.


Agree 100%.

But as a relatively minor subpoint…he DOES have the power to fire the AG. And he is too chickenshit to do it. So instead he results to childish games of badmouthing him from afar and on twitter…where he doesn’t have to be face to face with Sessions…in hopes of making him resign.

I would love to see some of the MSM outlets run with that theme for a bit. “Trump is too cowardly to fire anyone”. Use Sessions as the lead in, but bring up McFarland, Gorka, Priebus…Priebus’s assistant…the list goes on and on. Go back into this history at Trump Org. And paint him as the coward he is, every step of the way.

Then sit back and watch the implosion.