Discussion: ‘Beleaguered,' ‘Weak’: Trump Bashes Attorney General One Tweet At A Time

Any current Trump supporter who looks at this spectacle and still thinks Trump will hold up his end of any deal is a god-damn fool. Sessions did as much for Trump as anyone, and this is his thanks. Jesus, but people are stupid.


Apparently Trump doesn’t have the balls to just outright fire Sessions?

Weak! Pathetic!


[quote=“k_in_va, post:3, topic:59597”]
Weak! Pathetic!
[/quote]…and you forgot to mention…Sad.

When the thought of Rudy Giuliani as AG sounds like a breath of fresh air, you know as a country, we’ve paddled deep down doo-doo creek.


BINGO Trump’s supporters ARE fools. They are so vlinded vy their personal insecurities and grievances that they think he is their leader. To them its just the self fulfilling prophesy as to why the federal government doesnt work. I think its a left over from southern civil war lineage.


And so it comes to pass.
Sessions will be gone shortly whether by resigning or being fired.
A new “compliant” AG is installed.
Meuller is fired to stop the Russian “hoax”
Democracy as we used to laughingly call it is altered forever
Constitutional crisis ensues
Please stop Trump , Too much winning!


Let’s be very clear about this. A sitting President of the United States, who has the power to fire the Attorney General, is putting public pressure on him to conduct a criminal investigation on a political opponent.
If any other President did this at any other time, he’d be impeached. Period.


From the memo Trump used to (for a time) justify the canning of Comey:

“Over the past year, however, the F.B.l.’s reputation and credibility have suffered substantial damage, and it has affected the entire Department of Justice. … I cannot defend the Director’s handling of the conclusion of the investigation of Secretary Clinton’s emails, and I do not understand his refusal to accept the nearly universal judgment that he was mistaken. Almost everyone agrees that the Director made serious mistakes; it is one of the few issues that unites people of diverse perspectives."


I thought much the same thing on reading that story. P##OS doesn’t want to have to take the heat for firing him, so he’s trying to make him resign. Then he can accept the resignation “with regret” and move on to his new disposable AG. If that guy doesn’t do it right away, then he’ll rinse and repeat.
If it’s Giuliani, then there will be nor problem. The statement that Sessions had made the right decision is just Senate-priming.


So many those voters made a deal with Trump, too - by putting their lives in his hands because he promised that only he could make things better for them, and that he would.


If Jeffy weren’t such a nasty, evil little weasel I would almost feel sorry for him.

However, in Jeffy’s case I call it “well-earned”.


The thing is, Donny, the Ukrainians provided background information on Manafort, they did not attempt to disrupt our democratic process by hacking into email accounts, voter registration databases and, in some cases, actual voting machines. They did not release sensitive, stolen information to the public in a manner timed to either distract from your misdeeds (e.g., Access Hollywood reveal) or embarrass Ms. Clinton just before/after crucial political events (e.g., Democratic National Convention). And no one has suggested that the Ukrainians did anything illegal to obtain the information on Manafort, other than overthrowing a Putin/Trump-associated tyrant. I know these distinctions elude you, but you might try doing a little reading rather than watching FAUX NEWS 24/7.


Hey DJT: There is no HRC investigation to be in charge of. No one is in charge of it, because it’s not there. It lacks being. It’s not a thing. It isn’t.

You on the other hand are the subject of many many many investigations. Many.


I’m unsure of Presidential history on this. Do we have examples of a President publicly hectoring his Attorney General to pursue a criminal investigation against the person that lost to him in the election? Assuming not, it’s apparent we’re beyond any such thing as “OK, this time he’s gone too far, he’s crossed a line, Congress needs to step in and deal with this.”
There is no “too far” anymore. The political world used to have things you just didn’t do. Sort of similar to society at large. Out in the world you don’t rob banks, rape women or burn down houses. Those will always be against the rules.
Trump has no rules. The political class, or at least the GOP, has decided there is no such thing as the concept of “wrong”. I’m not sure how, as a citizen, to relate to my government when “wrong” doesn’t exist.


And we should remember that Ms. Clinton is no longer a candidate for office, so she is not even his “political opponent.” Just imagine what Donny will ask the AG to do when re-election time comes around.


Can you imagine if Hillary had whined and moaned and bitched like this when the years-long email and Benghazi investigations were going on? The criticism and the outrage of the Republicans for her weak behavior? Yet, Trump perceives himself as strong when he tweets out his complaints and grievances, as do many of his supporters. Republicans in Congress just shrug and look the other way.


Sessions is not strong on civil rights. But his replacement might be even worse. What bothers me most is that Trump demands unquestionable loyalty, but he is not loyal himself. His narcissism gets in the way. Toxic, weak!


TrUmp can’t DO hiS aGenDa becaUse of DeeP sTate liberaL elite liKe SeSSions. HitlarY lost thE election buT deeP state obstruction anD faKe russiA investigation won’t distRact reaL ameriCa!


DJT, as a narcissist, basically can only really talk about himself. His political attacks are mostly projections of his own failures and faults.

It’s worth noting that he’s gone from the adjectives “Lyin’’” and “Crooked” to “Beleaguered” and “Weak”.

He describes Sessions as having a “VERY weak position”.


SeSsions is weaK he won’t prosecUte OhBUmmer though his Ohbummercare kiLLs millionS of Trump supporters everY year. Weak and SAD !