Wow! A list of complete ZEROs.
As a Wisconsinite, it comes as no surprise that this list doesn’t include our dumb governor, Scooter Walker. He’s such an absolute loser, he can’t even make this Buzzfeed like list.
If you are on a list together with Rick Perry, you better start to reboot your entire life and career…
Hey ! You forgot Sarah !
Holy Sh*t! I thought it couldn’t get worse for the GOP, but then I saw their list of “White Knights”!!! BWAAAHahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
My god… why don’t they just pick Reagan’s Zombie Skeleton? The rotting skeleton might, just slightly, be more appealing than that list of freaks, losers, and sociopaths.
If that’s what constitutes their “White Knights”, I’m going to be sleeping very, very well from now until Nov!
Any article that references Bill Kristol for a source of information absolutely undermines any credibility the author had. Kristol has never and I do mean never been correct yet lazy reporters, journalists and Sunday talk shows continue to give him a soap box so they can shill for the GOP. And that is exact what it is. Let’s remember Kristol was certain that Gore and Biden were running for president to stop Hillary. He was also one of the ones emphatically imploring for and defending the Iraq War. Why would any reporter reference a person who is always wrong? It is nothing more than lazy reporting.
“White”? Yes. “Knight”? Not so much.
Alito. It HAS to be Alito. Losing the Presidency in addition to giving up yet another seat on the Supreme Court (and this time entirely voluntary) must be the ultimate folly. Much better than just losing the Presidency with any other candidate. Too bad that Alito will be way too clever to fall for this Trojan Horse.
Truly the deepest of benches.
Relentlessly eating away at the body America, the best this malignant tumor of a political regime has to offer: Creeps, idiots, tools, scumbags, frauds, war criminals, wannabe despots, elitist egomaniacs, sociopathic assholes and whores. (No disrespect intended towards actual working prostitutes or the Marine.)
LMAO! Silly fools! They failed to realize that Donald Trump had his own White Knight…and a howling mob right behind him: They are called the Republican base.
Not to mention, that’s not Mitch Daniels!
Kristol’s brand of grift is as inexplicable as they come. Alito??!!!? WTF?!!>!??
Anyone who has a snowball’s chance in hell of being elected would be wise to avoid being the White Knight candidate. It will infuriate the voters if their choices are completely ignored.
The will of the voters is obviously not important if you look at the cast of characters:
Cheney the Bush stand-in in an election year when the Bush had the most money and the least votes;
Romney: the establishment guy who struggled to win the nomination 4 years ago and lost the general;
Ryan: the ultimate in Establishment men in an anti-establishment year (plus see Romney above)
Perry: A guy who did dismally in the last two primaries
First time for everything, they say, but I doubt that will ever be a problem.
How many have died because of these fools? Roberts letting states opt out of medical care, and Dick starting a pointless war, while the others stood by enabling the obscenities.
So David Ignatius includes David Petraeus in his list. Our state secrets will be passed on to another mistress??? And Bill “I am always wrong” Krystal who tried to fob off The Sarah on us? We have truly entered bullshit territory.
McConnell is the guy!
McConnell 2016
Bill Kristol and his Confederacy of Dunces! Absurd notion, all of them!!
They left out Gen. James Mattoon Scott.