Discussion: Before Ouster, Nielsen Blocked Trump Plan For Mass Immigrant Family Arrests

So Ilsa really was Mother Theresa in disguise? Who knew…


Off With Her Head!

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I didn’t read the WaPo article but lemme guess…the information came from an anonymous source and someone familiar with Nielsen’s decision. In other words, Nielsen or Vitiello themselves. It’s tough trying making yourself look like some kind of saint when you’ve been at the heart of the devil’s work all these many months. Nice try, bitch. You’re still a heartless, conniving fuck that’s destroyed thousands of families in the process. There’s no fixing that. The damage is still being done.


They were round up the families and take them to the concentration camps in these


With an extremist in the WH, look how easy it is to be painted in a heroic light!


I thought for a minute that Nielsen might be almost human. But she apparently didn’t object on moral grounds, so screw that.


Nice try
We have the tape of all the times you came out and provided mealy mouth support of The Orange Idiot’s policies

Day Late
Dollar short
The Trump Stank never washes off


They felt the visibility of the arrests would serve as a strong deterrent for more border crossings.

Yes, like all the arrests for drug abuse have so successfully stemmed the demand for opioids among the non-imprisoned populace.

Sounds like a plan.

The plan — which would’ve targeted Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City and other cities — was championed by senior adviser Stephen Miller and Immigrations and Customs Enforcement Deputy Director Matthew Albence. They felt the visibility of the arrests would serve as a strong deterrent for more border crossings.

So I did read the WaPo article and this is still my question; “Why has every scheme or plan this maladministration has come up with to deter immigrants to come to the US ended up not doing what they want?”
I get that they don’t want brown people coming to their shinning city on the hill, that’s only for whites but they haven’t succeeded. And how much money has it cost the tax payers for their plans and schemes that have failed?
I do hope when we get through this that there will be an accounting of how much money and time has been wasted by Miller and Trump.


So many incarnations of devils to choose from.

Embarrassment of riches indeed.

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I want to see Congress subpoena Stephen Miller and question him until he cries and wets his pants.


Why is it that the more evil Trump gets, the closer to actually shooting people (even if only on the panhandle), the more people are flooding across?

It’s almost like none of his plans actually are effective.


Miller ! Responsible for so much hate and bad policy
Time to call the Dalecks


Please note the reasons why she blocked the plan. All of them are reasons that show it’s no surprise she was fully on board with all the other inhumane shit that was concocted during her tenure by the current occupant and his pet racist, Miller.


Trump Plan For Mass Immigrant Family Arrests

The problem is that Trump’s base doesn’t have any problem with this. They have accepted that immigrants from Latin america are vermin and parasites and the next logical step is to remove them, plain common sense.

When Germans accepted that Jews were pernicious to Making Germany Great Again, the next logical step was the removal of Jews, and it ended with the Holocaust. When the Khmer Rouge accepted that cities were parasitic of the countryside, the next logical step was the emptying of cities, which ended in the Killing Fields.

That is why “Political Correctness” matters, prevents rhetoric to get out of hand. But a big sector of our society rejected it.


Remember how those of us fearing a “deportation force” back during the 2016 campaign were belittled as fear-mongering, hyperbole and frivolous delusions? How were we wrong?


So sayeth “a person familiar with the decision” (according to WaPo)? Gee. I wonder who that person was…

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Because deterrence isn’t what they want. It’s porn for their despicable base.


Every year the policies get more cartoonishly evil. Sure, a reality show called “Immigrant Toddler Cage Death Match 2020” sounds over-the-top now, but by primary season it will be more popular than opioids.