Discussion: BBC Requests Security Review After Cameraman Attacked At Trump Rally

Make America Great Britain Again


No charges - WTH? It’s not like there weren’t plenty of credible witnesses, and, well, compelling video of the attack and the aftermath.

Ten to one, Trump will use this as an excuse to corral the media away from the crowds, to limit access. He’s done it before, in fact I was a little surprised to learn he didn’t have the cameramen held in cages in the back.


Now we’re getting towards brownshirt land for sure… Physically assault people, caught on camera, and the MAGA uniform lets you off clean.


Danahar said he sent the security review request to White House spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders, though Monday night’s rally was a campaign event, not an official White House event. Sanders didn’t respond to TPM’s request for comment.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is the Press Secretary of President Donald Trump and has no connection with candidate-in-waiting Donald Trump.


And there’s no White House connection anyway, as the incident happened in El Paso.


Evidently reporters covering these hatefests are the one’s who should demand a wall. Perhaps a rampart named Peaches is in order.


Danahar said he sent the security review request to White House spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Sanders said there was no attack, that Ron Skeans was never there, and that the camera was biased against Trump and is just distracting us from the incredible work the president does 25.781 hours per day (Obama’s fault!).

Reached for comment, Rudy Giuliani added that Ron Skeans doesn’t exist, and even if he did, he wouldn’t work for the failing BBC.


You can bet your ass it would be different if the DA was the victim.


Hey Beeb, maybe you should bring along a few turkish embassy security guards to the next rally. You could learn a thing or two about standing up for your people.


I’m sure Don the con will pay this perp’s legal fees as offered. That is, if texas establishes assaultin’ a furriner who talks funny is indeed a crime.


Got a crazy idea. The media should boycott Trump rallies.
The public wouldn’t be missing anything, and it would drive Trump nuts.

(too bad that will never happen)


“At the same time, El Paso District Attorney Jaime Esparza announced his office isn’t planning on pressing charges against the man who attacked cameraman Ron Skeans.”

Mr DA let me help you.

"Many states treat assault and battery as two separate crimes, whereas some treat them as the same. The reason for this is because the offenses are very closely linked: “assault” occurs when someone threatens another with imminent bodily injury, while “battery” refers to actual bodily contact (either offensive or injurious in nature). Assault and battery also are considered intentional torts, which means you can sue someone for these actions in a civil court to get compensated for your injuries.

In Texas, the elements for a case against a defendant for assault and battery are the same, although there are many different classifications for different degrees of the offense (charged as “assault” even if battery does occur). For example, threatening someone with bodily harm in Texas may just result in a fine, while causing bodily harm against someone (typically charged as “battery” in other states) can land you in jail for up to one year.

The following provides an overview of Texas assault and battery laws, charged collectively as just “assault.”

Texas Assault and Battery Laws at a Glance"


The solution is simple: Stop covering Trump rallies. Deprive him of the oxygen he craves. Make Fox News the only source for all things Trump.


Sarah Huckabee Sanders is the Press Secretary of President Donald Trump and has no connection with candidate-in-waiting Donald Trump.

Candidate-in-waiting Donald Trump doesn’t even know Sarah Huckabee Sanders.


I agree 10,000%. Media should boycott his friggin’ Nazi-style rallies. Let them collapse like the granfallons they are.


Oh Hell No, I like my boot on my foot and my trunk in the rear of my car-unless it’s a VW Bug, and then I’ll make an exception.


Esparza’s been in office since '92 and sees no reason to do much of anything; no real competition. He ousted another who’d been in office 20 years;according to Esparza, “too long.” The man hasn’t had a challenger in two decades until 2016 from a female prosecutor: He’s up for reelection in 2020.(El Paso Times-2016)
I called his office about 1/2 hr ago and spoke to a pleasant Investigator who said the office has been fielding calls and the “Media Liaison” wasn’t available.

It is doubtful any charges will be filed: Why rock the boat when you have a life-time job?


@losamigos @spiffarino

I think it’s well past time for the media to deploy the ignore button.


Too late for that - the same gaggle of stupid fucks that are screwing up America screwed up Britain even worse. At least we’ll be able to scrub the stank off the White House, once Melania and Ivankd leaves, and clean the “special sauce” from anyplace the moron dined but Britain is totally fucked up its royal hoohaw with a thrown, a sceptre, and the crown jewels all at the same time. It will never be the same after Brexit. It was only a second rate nation because of the EU. After the vote it dropped from 5th to 6th place in the lineup of world economies - it might not even be in the top 10 come next year. But at least the Poles won’t have to clean their loos anymore. Now the fine residents of Mayfair will have to hire “barrow-billies” from the Shires which would be karmic irony at its finest since it’s the “barrow-billies” who voted for Brexit. The fine folks of Mayfair could care less who scrubs the shit from their bowls as long as they don’t have to.

Kind of like picking lettuce here. You know, the next jobs program for deplorables.