Discussion: Barr's Opening Statement Addresses Accused Mishandling Of Mueller Report

That Mueller is an angry conflicted democrat who worked for Obama and is pissed Hillary lost after working with Russia to swing the election


Time for a pig roast!


So much of the administration’s handling of the report and their response boils down to "What the hell does it matter what Mueller discovered, wrote, intended? What does it matter what Trump said, or did, or tried to do? It’s all irrelevant, even if Trump committed heinous, deplorable, inexcusable crimes (which he didn’t!), because Trump cannot be indicted or tried for crimes! Barr could have said “Trump belongs in jail for what he’s done!” and it wouldn’t matter, so why the hell does whatever Barr said bother you? Trump was off the hook for everything before Mueller was even given a desk. Now, let’s move on, OK?

That’s the GOP and DOJ argument, in a nutshell.


“But at the end of the day, the federal prosecutor must decide yes or no. "

Unfortunately, you made the wrong decision.


“But at the end of the day, the person brought on board specifically to say no must decide yes or no. " FIFY


If that is the case, Barr is saying that there is no perceived unfairness in saying ‘yes.’ Therefore Mueller can feel free to express a view on the matter. A huge, huge gamble by Barr. The whole drama will boil down to one question that Mueller will be asked: “Would you have recommended an indictment?” If he says No, it’s game over on obstruction. If he says Yes, it’s game on.


Today is going to be a masterclass in obfuscating and refusing to answer questions. Dems need to be ready for the inevitable. GOP senators will spend their time praising Barr and POTUS, and Dems will spend their time trying to get a word in edgewise after saying “good morning, Mr. Atty. General.”
Take your blood pressure medicine folks. We’re going to need it.


Ask Mueller: Is the DOJ policy the sole reason why you didn’t recommend indictment?


Impeach the little fat lying prick .
Lying to congress and obstruction as plain as the nose on your face


Nadler, Pelosi and Schiff have to throw some bones and read the tea leaves before doing anything so rash.

Better questions
When did you first abandon the rule of law for political advantage for your party?
Do you Hate your country?
Do the Russians have something on you that would cause you to ignore the Mueller findings?


Unfortunately so
They will tiptoe around it when you need “Anthony Weiner” kind of fire
Show anger at this abomination FFS
Browbeat the little fuck Rip him a new one

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I hear roasted pig jowls are delicious, and just look at the size of those jowls.

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What lengths will Trump, Barr, and the Republicans go to try to keep Mueller from testifying to Congressional committees? And what kind of shit-show will the Republicans conduct when Mueller finally does get into the hearing room?


consistent with the practice followed for years under the now-expired Ethics in Government Act

Does Barr also comply with the Fugitive Slave Act and the Homestead Act? Is he enforcing Glass-Steagall?

And how about the independent counsel provisions of his “now-expired Ethics in Government Act”?


I didn’t see if it was a closed hearing or not, but I won’t watch as I have good blood pressure that will quickly become bad if I have to hear one Rethug praise this thug.


When you sign on with Blobby expect to get shit on . ( And yes , I know he works for Americans ) .

From other pieces I see here today it seems Barr will also scold Mueller a little for exceeding his job requirements by including in the report the facts about things Trump and the rest of the jolly crew did. Tsk tsk! Quite unnecessary, Bob, you loquacious gossip!


McCarthy is very sad that the commie sympathizers have been found, and they are easily identified by the ÂŽ next to their names.

Our global nemesis conspired with our sitting president to rig an election, and none of them bat an eye.
