Discussion: Barr ‘Spying' Comment Is Direct Attack On The Counterintel Ops He Oversees

It seems that the fascistgop has decided that the appearance of corruption is no longer detrimental to maintaining a grip on power here in the good ol’ USA. They seem supremely confident in their ability to prevail in 2020 and beyond. Scary.


Sometimes people are shamed/socialized into compliance with standards (analysts call that “internal control”). Sometimes (because of character flaws, cruelty, etc.) that doesn’t work and some serious consequences have to be administered (analysts call that “external control”). For the better part of a month this FattFuck has not received consequences.

He needs some.


Anderson, the former FBI counterintelligence official, said it was
“disturbing” that Barr didn’t think through the impact of making
out-of-context public comments about the FBI’s Russia probe.

He thought it through just fine. He just decided that the impact was worth it for his personal and party short-term gain.

I hope we can show him that decision was spectacularly wrong.


I think people give Barr too much credit. He’s a bad actor but at the end of the day he’s just a mouthpiece for Trump who is repeating Trump talking points. “spying” is simply a term Trump wants to use in a political context to discredit the Mueller Report when it is released.

The truth is the FBI and IC did surveil the Trump campaign BECAUSE THEY WERE CAVORTING WITH RUSSIAN AGENTS!!! All we need to do is set the narrative straight: 1. Russians are working to undermine US elections. 2. FBI investigates Russians, including surveillance, to see what they’re up to. 3. Trumpers talk to Russians, 4. FBI therefore follows the trail and observe Trumper behavior.

At the end of the day, Barr goes away if Dems exercise their subpoena power, issue the subpoenas and go to court.


Twinsies? This would explain a lot as well as being scary as hell!


Why you would want to piss off the folks working for you, who probably know 100 different ways to kill you without leaving a mark, is beyond me.


Sure hope they don’t have any recordings of those WH chats with ol’ Bill …

That’d be spying


Federal law enforcement is in disarray, if not abjectly corrupt, according to Trump and Barr… the number of immigrants has gone way up under Trump… opioid use is spiking… financial forecasts are pointing to recession… increasingly drastic climate events are shredding vast portions of the country… murders of innocent citizens by fascists are through the roof…

Republican government is a disaster!


Republican government is an oxymoron.


Or in Donnie’s case, an oxymoran…


Gosh…I would be so happy to work for Barr after disparaging me to the whole world!


Excellent article. This was good work. I just wish you could name some of the people providing the quotes.


The people in these agencies aren’t the most trusting folks in the world as it is. Imagine the damage that’s being done here…


One of my all time favorites.


Excuse me? You say ‘Anderson, the former FBI counterintelligence official, said it was “disturbing” that Barr didn’t think through the impact of making out-of-context public comments about the FBI’s Russia probe.’?
That’s bullshit. Barr knows exactly what he was and is doing. He did 'think’s through the impact. It’s all calculated. He’s also very manipulative, just like his fearless, lawless leader. He shut down Mueller too. There’s no way Mueller was finished. Think about it.


Speaking of Bannon, Richard Engle interviewed him for his “On Assignment” series, which is going to air Sunday at 9 pm. It’s a doozy.

Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon attacked the Pope for criticizing populist movements and sensationally claimed the Catholic Church is on the verge of bankruptcy.

The former Breitbart News chairman, who attended a private Catholic military school, blasted Pope Francis for his comments against populist leaders.

Speaking to MSNBC’s Richard Engel, Bannon said: 'He’s the administrator of the Church, and he’s also a politician.

‘This is the problem … he’s constantly putting all the faults in the world on the populist nationalist movement.’

This on the heels of ex-Pope Bendict’s disgusting, ignorant tripe about priests, homosexuality and pedophilia.

Bannon looks worse for wear.


Yet at the same time we are the bestest country in the world and the economy is wonderful and we have a beautiful military all thanks to one man. How can these 2 countries co-exist?


He always seemed to look like he drinks a lot every night.


Looks like he’s drinking ALL night and most of the day.