Discussion: Barr Says Report Was 'My Baby' After Getting It: Releasing It Was My Decision

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Another proof that GOPers don’t care about babies once they were born.


that you tried to smother with a pillow


We all know that the gop only cares about babies BEFORE they are born.

Trump: 10-2-20


“Barr Says Report Was ‘My Baby’…”


I was afraid that Barr’s (entirely expected) word salad would upset people. The great news is that there are people coming after Barr has finished with his lying for today.

People who will make Barr sorry he ever applied for a job as the Attorney General of Donald Trump.


This must be going down so well with his primary audience of 1.
Words cannot express how transparently obvious this asshole is and his purpose.


Whatta guy!

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At that point, it was my baby and I was making a decision as to whether or not make it public. I effectively overrode the regulations used discretion to lean as far forward as I could to make that public and it was my decision how and when to make it public, not Bob Mueller’s.”

Does he know we can hear him?

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OMG…I needed that laugh. Thank you. :laughing:

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This just in, Barr in favor of child abuse…

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Tell me, again, how this guy got the respect he did? Jackie Chiles and Lionel Hutz could take lessons in sleaziness from him.

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HEY! You beat me by 5 f’ing seconds! Not fair!

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Oh, sorry. I’ll just drop this inconvenient evidence into the shredder.

Barr is right, but he also promised Congress and the country that he would release as much of the Report as possible. Then, he misled us for several weeks about that Reports’ contents. You can’t have it both ways.

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Wouldn’t the report be the taxpayers “baby” after all we paid for it

releasing it was my decision.

Not releasing the full report or the executive summaries was Barr’s decision.

Barr added: “I believe in late term abortion so I am killing the Mueller report.”

It was his baby so he could kill it. If it had been his embryo he couldn’t have.