Discussion: Barr: Mueller Never Said I Should Decide If Trump Obstructed Justice

Barr keeps acting like he is holding a line but completely adrift. Not exactly the expectation.


Didn’t the County Fair have Bumper Cars?


So according to Barr, Mueller did not ask him to make the determination on obstruction, nor did he suggest that Congress do so. So Mueller threw up his hands and said, “This is just too difficult for me to decide. Let someone else decide, though I have no idea who that should be.” Very likely.


Barr’s suggestion is that when the fascistgop controls the DOJ, then the appointees of the abomination along fascistgop enablers will decide what evidence of corruption and malfeasance by the abomination will be made public, because that’s how the DOJ “generally works”



I think Mueller knows that there ate plenty of impeachable offenses in his report, but he can only recommPend charges in the court of law. Congress has to bring impeachment charges.

Mueller knows the report can’t stay hidden forever.


“It was the conclusion of a number of people including me and I am obviously the attorney general,” Barr replied. “It was also the conclusion of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.”

There is no daylight in this scam between Rosenstein and Barr.

If Democrats are serious about seeing this report, they’re going to have to start thinking very hard about impeaching Barr in order to obtain discovery of all reports, documents, emails, etc. It’s obviously a very arguable abuse of power for the AG to insert himself in a prosecutorial and counterintelligence investigation to the detriment of Congress. The point isn’t to get rid of Barr, because that won’t happen, but to (1) get the reports, (2) frame the very simple ‘cover-up’ narrative, and (3) set a constitutional and political precedent.

  1. The report can remain hidden for at least another year and a bit, after which Trump can win and lock it up for a long time. Not sure why everyone keeps saying that this is somehow impossible.

  2. There is very little daylight between Barr and Mueller–not necessarily because Mueller is an ideological ally of Barr but because (at best) he’s a tragically upright dude bound by a code of honor that has become as quaint as the code of chivalry. He’s a Don Quijote figure at this point.


That is how the Barr DOJ works!


Barr implicates Rosenstein in suggesting they both agreed that there was no wrongdoing. Since when does Rosenstein factor in to the discussion?

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Barr is refusing to answer questions that are not protected by privilege, nor are they grand jury related, nor are they classified.

Why not subpoena him, then hold him in contempt of Congress?


Barr said that he would provide more information on his decision-making process on obstruction during his May testimony before the House and Senate Judiciary Committees.

By then I will have colluded with trump numerous times with lots of practice so I can tell you exactly how trump wants this to work out.
While also dropping a list of names of those to be investigated for being treasonous spies trying to overthrow this administration.

As we see those gathered around Trump it gives credence to the old saying «birds of a feather flock together »

I remember reading recently that the William Barrs and the Robert Muellers are good friends and socialize on more than rare occasions. I found it difficult to square that circle until I remembered that Bob Newhart and Don Rickles were best of friends despite their polar opposite personalities. Johnny Carson once asked Newhart if it were true they were best friends. Newhart replied, “Well, Johnny, don’t you think at least some one has to be?”

Social Washington was always an amalgam and still is to this day. The nuanced difference now is the circles are highly partisan when in the past, politics was washed out with the first cocktail.

i believe that Barr also stated somewhere that congress has no legal standing to see the unredacted report. This is sounding as if tRump is actually writing the script for this fool. And now he is going to investigate his CIA and the FBI (at the presidents request). This is not obstruction but it is a major attempt to intimidate the those who were doing their jobs. If the investigation goes to the punishment stage then the nation itself is in trouble because we have cross s bridge too far.

What you ought to do, Mr. Barr is send the unredacted report to the relevant committees along with all the underlying data. But you won’t because you are covering trump’s ass.

This is a cover up being conducted in daylight.

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Barr on whether Muellertold him Mueller wanted Congress to decide on obstructio: “Not that—he didn’t say that to me, no.”

“[H]e didn’t say that to me
” Um, ok, do you know if he said iit to someone else? Maybe Rosenstein for example? Someone else at DOJ? Could Senators maybe learn how to ask follow up questions?