You’ll be lucky to just be disgraced for life instead of in jail
If I had my way the treasonous bastard would be doing life with hard labor. Fuck him and snide ass attitude.
Will he also be the first AG to be impeached?
His momma must be proud.
and his kids or grandkids. Ahh historical infamy.
Yeah, it’s right up there with the investigation launched right after EPA Secretary Bernhardt was confirmed, but not quite as impressive as Donald Trump coming into office already under investigation.
I don’t see anything funny about it at all. He’s corrupt as any AG has ever been and he needs to be held accountable for his lawlessness. It’s only going to get worse, that’s what it looks like.
one can only hope.
If we were lucky then he would go the way of one John Mitchell.
Oh look, a treasonous deplorable who is actively covering up for a criminal president is joking on refusing congressional orders.
Well, we haven’t had many AGs as contemptible as you.
Dereliction of duty is not funny, asshole!
Don’t be so modest, fuckface. You torched your reputation right off the line too.
Barr is exactly who we thought he was…
Nothing like an AG if the US who thinks the rule of law is amusing.
Contemptible person jokes about being held in contempt, but I disagree with him because it should have happened sooner.
He’s got that Dick Cheney charm.