Discussion: Barr Insists That He's Protecting The Presidency, Not Just Trump

If Barr is still A.G. by the end of this summer, we will have made a grave mistake. He must be removed.

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But Democrat Presidents are clearly only errand boys for Trey Gowdy, Jason Cheiffetz, Mitch McConnell et al.

Some animals are more equal than others.

  1. his job definition as AG does not include “protecting tRUmp” or the presidency, but enforcement of the constitution and laws passed by Congress

  2. I am confident when I say “Barr insists that he’s protecting a Republican presidency” because how many times can we point to where this douchebag protected say, Obama’s presidency? Where did he way in on the side of the executive re: Garland appointment?

full of shit asshole


Its bad enough that Trump lies prolifically every day…Barr has no need to follow suit, he has already destroyed his credibility many times over.

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That struck me. One thing to keep in mind is they deal with a entirely different concept of honor and integrity. I am not saying that to be snarky. They have their own. This crowd of people literally do not grasp the concepts the way the rest of us do. My view is they operate on a completely different code. We see it in business, cut throat and proud of it, asshole as a title and extreme loyalty built on covering each other’s backs until it is no longer convenient. It is a more refined version of the good ol’boys club. They can lie to your face without concern, they think you are weaker and undeserving of anything better. That last part is the one to be concerned with. Whatever the pay off is for Barr or any of the Trump cronies, they consistently project that disdain towards anyone that is not them. Honor and integrity is reserved stock to be given to a select few. Until, as said, it is no longer convenient.

No one will ever match the Don in that regard…he is simply the worst.

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About as believable as his 4 page “summary” report.

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More of a Goodfellas if you ask me

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To me, these people are scarier than those in the photo.

Listen, Mr.Ball of Grease so-called Attorney General; protect the widdle weenie so-called pwesident all you want.
JUST DON’T LIE when you do, BUSTER !

Protecting the presidency … the thing is, that’s not his job. It’s the White House Counsel who is in charge of defending the office of the President, not the Attorney General.

As I was reading up on candidates in advance of the KY primaries, I saw a similar slip by a Republican candidate for state Attorney General. Under the topic of illegal immigration and sanctuary cities, it says, “Wil Schroder pledges to enforce the laws of Kentucky and the United States of America in regard to illegal immigration.” Except, to the best of my knowledge, the state AG is there to enforce state laws, not federal laws.

It’s just amazing to me that these lawyers don’t understand their own job descriptions.

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He finally realized the lifetime membership at Mar-a-largo isn’t worth the price.

Shorter Barr: “I’m only protecting the presidency, not the president; but even if I were protecting Donald Trump specifically, what the fuck are you going to do about it?”

Whoa! What development occurred to make Billy Barr change his tactics? Defending the First Grifter wasn’t gaining traction? “We’re actually protecting the PRESIDENCY, not Trump necessarily…!!!” Give me a break…

More sleight of hand. You don’t have to be a “Master of the Obvious” to know this is more bullshit. More distraction. He should be protecting the people from this intelligence challenged President, rather than the President from the people! House of Peoples Representatives.

And then he said…no seriously, listen… he said, “I’m protecting the presidency.”

Attorney General William Barr is insisting that he signed on to be
President Donald Trump’s attack dog to protect the institution of the
presidency — not just the man currently holding the title.

Clearly Barr is following the wrong job description. The DoJ is supposed to be nonpartisan and not the private personal lawyer to the president. They are supposed to follow evidence and not fucking lie about it in public or private.

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Congress is the most powerful branch of government under the Constitution. Any simple reading of the Constitution makes that plain.

The phrase “coequal branches” appears nowhere in the Constitution, nor in The Federalist Papers. It is long past time that members of Congress read the damned document and accept their place in the constitutional order. At the top.

Hogswaddle! Bullfeathers! I think he doth protest too much. “The 3 S’s” (Spin, Swerve and Squirm) are on full display again…

Here’s the thing, as I see it. ‘The Presidency’ has never needed “protection” like this. Only corrupt presidents need protection like this. And, ‘The Presidency’ least of all needs protection from Congress or the People…

It’s exceedingly clear that the only thing Barr is protecting here is the Cheetoh Tortellini…

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