Discussion: Barr: 'I Am Told' Mueller Thought It Was 'My Prerogative' To Announce No Obstruction

You can read Mueller’s 400 page report here:

I haven’t got the time or interest myself.


The self-appointed office boy: Rosenstein?

I have been against the movement for impeachment against Trump for quite some time. But with the Trump administration saying they are going to ignore most if not all congressional subpoenas issued by the House investigative committees, and also are threatening Trumps accountant from complying with some other subpoenas, I think that impeachment hearings may not only be warranted but necessary as one of the only ways to get information about possible criminal behavior by members of the Trump administration, including Trump himself.

But until that time when it becomes necessary to do so, I believe the Dems in the House really should concentrate on the impeachment of William Barr and Rod Rosenstein.


It’s now obvious that both men are headed to the Hill, but still…

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Here’s the report:

William Barr is now the 21st century John Mitchell!


Well sure, but at that time they didn’t have a totally corrupt Republican party complicit in the crimes being investigated. I think that makes a big difference.

This time around, we have an entire party that is in on the obstruction. It makes it a lot harder to find the truth and prosecute the guilty, when there are so many and they have so much power.


Well that’s a very odd way to put it.

Is he not capable of speaking directly to Mueller?

Bonvivant, thanks for link to Vol 1 of Mueller report! Anyone have volume 2 which covers the obstruction issues?

The torrent of weasel words is just getting rolling…be careful…you may spend the day puking as though you were in the aftermath of a 3 day bender.

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So, Barr somehow heard from some mystery person (not Mueller) that it was perfectly fine to preempt the entire report, butcher it up and slather it in his own interpretation, but we should all assume this is OK with Mueller.

Well now, why don’t we just ask Mueller about that?

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So Barr lied.
The Nation cried. (foul!)

I think it would be more accurate to phrase that as “SEZ WHO??”

On Sports Talk Radio in NYC, there is/was this caller who is/was always identified as Mike from Montclair. The NYC mythology is that Mike from Montclair is really some celebrity TV person. OMG maybe we have one of those cases here!!!

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"I am told that… "

Typical passive-aggressive move.


I am told that by Grima Wormtongue, er, Acting Deputy Attorney General Ed Callaghan, standing directly over my right shoulder…

WaPo is basically ignoring the Barr presser except in opinion and analysis articles saying how obviously it was a favor to Trump.

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Not true.

Up until John Dean revealed the existence of the WH Tape-Recording System and the resulting Congressional Subpoenas for them and the Supreme Court’s UNANIMOUS decision (8-0 with one recusal) that forced Nixon to turn them over, the Republican Party had been solidly behind Nixon in denying any cover-up or connection to the Watergate Break-in.
For almost 2 solid YEARS they covered for Nixon (even after his VP Spiro Agnew had to resign and was later convicted of money-laundering and other financial crimes), only breaking with him after the WH tapes became PUBLIC and even then many Republican constituents did not demand Impeachment, but supported Nixon.
Nixon didn’t resign just to save his own ass, the Republican Leadership DEMANDED he resign or they would vote to convict him in the inevitable Impeachment Trial, because they were terrified what the mid-terms would do to them (and they were right, they got shellacked.)

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Of course the party will defend one of their own. What I’m talking about is the complicity of a substantial portion of the Republican party in the acceptance of Russian cash and the implicit approval of Russian interference which made trump’s victory possible.

In for a penny, in for a pound. Once the party leadership started excusing the trump family’s crimes, they had to keep up the facade, no matter how odious, so that they could get him to appoint extremist judges and sign the tax cuts so necessary for financing their reelection campaigns.

They have all lashed themselves to the trump bow and will go down with the ship rather than betray him.

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And how do you know that he isn’t?