Discussion: Barr Brushes Off Concern About DOJ Push To Kill Obamacare

WTF kind of response is that? ‘Yes we’re trying to screw millions of people, but you don’t think the courts we’ve packed with deplorables will let us, do you?’ This is the level of responsibility our AG takes in safeguarding the country?


“If you think it’s such an outrageous position, you have nothing to worry about. Let the courts do their job.”



“If you think it’s such an outrageous position, you have nothing to worry about. Let the courts do their job.”

When you lack even the backbone of Alberto Gonzales, you are either a jellyfish or William Barr.


“Do you think it’s likely we’re going to prevail?” Barr responded when Rep. Matt Cartwright (D-PA) asked him if he was aware of the number of people who would lose coverage if the law was struck down.

Pressed further by Cartwright, Bar said, “If you think it’s such an outrageous position, you have nothing to worry about. Let the courts do their job.”

Truly bizarre answers.


It’s going to be interesting to hear Barr’s response, should Roberts again side with the court’s liberals.


So he’s saying he knows it’s idiotic and bound to fail (and cause endless stress and anxiety) and he’s okay with that. In other words, placate the idiot.


Disrespectful and arrogant isn’t he. I’ll add he has no soul.


Y’all have already said what I was going to say.

That’s some pretty fancy passive-aggressive fiddling while Rome burns.

Is it too much to wish he is stricken by pox?

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What arrogance! Just a despicable display throughout the hearing by AG Barr.

Watched VICE over the weekend. If there is a “deep state,” it is these Unitary Executive Theory disciples. These right wing zealots are dismantling the Constitution right before our eyes.


I think he’s saying, "He who laughs last…

Of the Fedaralist Society, For the Koch brothers, by the hacks.


In my previous comments:

  • I thought Barr’s intellect belongs to the A-Team

  • BUT after all his Verbal/Word Contortions about summary non-summary, Barr can belong to the B-Team (The BS Team)

  • But it seems more fitting that Barr should belong to the C-Team (The Cruel, Cover-up, Corruptible Team) for his NOT neutral and NOT impartial judgement and fitness for office

= It seems Barr really belongs to the D-Team (The Drumpfian, Despotic, Derelict of Duty Team) who does NOT serve the American people!


Strategically this is bad for Barr. Granted, the Mueller Report is tangential to the ACA, but Barr’s petulance and overall dismissive attitude are really seen here, in ACA questions…and, in turn, reinforce negative impressions gleaned from his responses to questions about Mueller and the Report.

Going forward, it will not go well for Barr.


I don’t think Barr or Trump care one bit. I don’t think they believe the Dems can force anything for the next two years. This is going to be a total stonewall through 2020 and if Trump would some how win (I can’t imagine that, but I couldn’t imagine 2016 either) this is all just precursor to what to expect from the stacked right wing court. Barr won’t be going anywhere but to the SC if trump wins.

Sometimes the inner ugly really is manifested outwardly–this guy always struck me a cousin of Jabba the Hutt, and now he’s confirmed it.


Or, as some spell it, B-i-z-z-**A-R-R-**e.

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Get used to it Congress people. William Barr is going to be this generation’s Nathan Thurm. Fuck you and your questions. I know that. You think I don’t know that? What makes you think I would not know that?

Barr Brushes Off Concern About DOJ Push To Kill Obamacare

I listened to his “testimony”. I’d say his response was indicative of “depraved indifference” with respect to the ramifications of his actions regarding the lawsuit to destroy the ACA. He doesn’t give a damn.