Discussion: Barbara Boxer Won't Run For Reelection To Senate In 2016

Discussion for article #231782


Make. It. Happen!!


Good on Boxer for stepping down on a Presidential election. We do much better on those.

Unlike Harken who dumped off on the lame duck midterm, historically the worst time for Democrats.


Aw crap. This was always the one vote as a Californian I could rely on to feel good about, no hesitations, always proud to have her as my Senator.

I like Kamala, but she’s no Barbara Boxer.

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I’m thinking Jackie Speier. She’s smart, experienced and pretty much fearless.

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With all due respect, Speier is 64 and had 5 holes put into her at Jonestown. I just don’t see her serving more than one term. I want someone who is going to endure for a while and kick ass for California at the same time.

Kamala Harris is 50, she could easily get 3 or even 4 terms in…and her progressive credentials are pretty good as well.

What we might both be overlooking, however, is that it would mean that both Senators would be from the Bay Area still. LA probably wants some of the power as well.

Which sadly may mean Villaragosa, whom I really do not like.

Harris would be my choice though she may be waiting to run for gov in 18. There’s a long bench of acceptable Dems here.

Problem is, the open primary in CA. Picture a nightmare scenario where the Dem field is split among 15 candidates, and a well known R (demon sheep Fiorina maybe?) slips through. This system must be amended with instant runoff at least.

My guess is Feinstein will retire when her term ends in 4 years. Finally.

She’s just enough of an egomaniac to stay until they have to remove her from the chamber on a gurney.

Remember, she’s gotta keep hubby’s businesses well-fed.

Debra Bowen.

Hasn’t Fiorina announced for a POTUS run in 2016?

I thought they’d made a special seat for her in the clown car after having to fumigate and torch the seat formerly occupied by BachMANn

There’s already one idiot multi millionaire in the GOP clown race to the bottom (appears Mittens is making overtures to go for strike 3). Fiorina wouldn’t be able to handle the ride.

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Harris has won two statewide elections, I will give you that. Supposedly Newsome is interested in running as well.

Looks like Elizabeth Warren agrees with you. I normally don’t take endorsement very seriously, but Senator Warren I do take seriously.