Discussion: Bar Association Angered By Haley Attack Ad: Legal Defense Is 'Constitutional Right'

Discussion for article #221990

The ad is reprehensible. The bar association is absolutely right to attack it. Republicans should be ashamed for defending it, but alas they have no shame nor do they have any love for our basic American values or rights.


This doesn’t make sense. I thought that old white people all loved Ben Matlock.


Team Haley probably thought it was a good idea at the time, since they’re still in the era of tar and feathers and dunking chairs.


It would be nice if TPM didn’t introduce typos, especially inside quotations. The word is “tenet” not “tenent.” And it appears spelled correctly in this news article: http://www.postandcourier.com/article/20140423/PC1603/140429704


Hypocrisy is a value that I think has been embraced by the Republican Party. We get lectured by people all day long about moral values by people who have their own moral shortcomings.

Howard Dean


In response, Republican Governors Association spokesman Jon Thompson said the ad doesn’t target defense lawyers, rather it targets Sheheen for representing sex offenders and violent criminals.

So he is claiming that anyone accused of these types of crimes is presumed guilty and I guess, shouldnt have a right to a lawyer. Cant imagine something much more Unamerican than that.


Yes, but remember, this ad was done by the Regpublican Governors’ Assoc and blessed by Christie. Krispy is working on becoming totally unelectable. Guess by the standards setup by this ad, Chief Justice Roberts is a slimeball lawyer for defending the mass murderer of 8 in Florida. Oops


She’s a nasty petty person.

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Typical of a politician to tell a lie.

What an absolutely STUPID response from this Jon Thompson.
SO only CERTAIN crimes are worth of a defense attorney.
Haley is such a sleazebag.

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The GOPers are having to scrape the bottom of the barrel. Every time they come up with an issue, it turns on them, so they try character assassination, and guess what! I love the smell of desperation in the morning. It smells like victory! (apologies to Robert Duvall)


Not much different from the Democrats who voted against Obama appointee Debo P. Adegbile because of his role in the defense of a convicted cop-killer (http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/06/us/politics/senate-rejects-obama-nominee-linked-to-abu-jamal-case.html). In either case it amounts to intimidation of defense counsel by imposing a political price for providing an accused (any accused!) with his or her constitutionally guaranteed right to defense counsel. I’m surprised that the ABA hasn’t taken a stand on this.


It doesn’t matter. The ad’s already been seen by hundreds of thousands of ignorant, easily duped people who won’t forget it.

She’a a disgusting pig.


"Legal Defense Is ‘Constitutional Right’ "

Not to a fascist.


And BTW, if you visit youtube to watch this video, the comments and ratings have been turned off.

I wonder why.

Republican Governors Association spokesman Jon Thompson said the ad doesn’t target defense lawyers, rather it targets Sheheen for representing sex offenders and violent criminals.

Because anyone even accused of a violent crime or sex offense doesn’t deserve a defense.


This is another conservative wet dream – removing the right to counsel from anyone charged with a heinous crime. That old American adage about “innocent until proven guilty” has become a tad stale for the GOP mob. Look at the Republican advances in the past week alone: backing a lying racist scofflaw because he wears a cowboy hat and is willing to take up arms against the administration of the nigger President, and a Republican governor who puts the fundamental right to counsel in the crosshairs of her campaign. I refuse to go Godwin here, but if the GOP isn’t taking lessons from the policies of the Third Reich, I’m the first man on the moon.


Well, he was one’a them GOOD lawyers.

Too many lawyers in Congress.