Discussion: Bannon: GOP Would Lose House If Election Were Held Today

Spare us
He has nothing of value to say to anyone, anywhere, anytime about anything.
He is a proven waste of oxygen and should not be provided with any


Do you need to fill column inches? Donā€™t waste the photons on the waste of carbon.


I guess Bannon is news, but what a repulsive character to encounter first thing on a Monday morning.

Great ideas Steve - setting up your own (secretly financed) political action group to push GOP candidates closer to Trump right before the midterms - while operating completely independently of the RNC - brilliant!

And I hope you put those GOP elites in their place by attacking them at every opportunity if they fail to show sufficient homage to your ā€˜preciousā€™.


Master, take me back!


Heā€™s just a grifter looking for a new gig, a parasite of the first order that pretends to be an educated, well-read, profound savant.

He isnā€™t a consultant or advisor to the GOP or the WH any longer. I donā€™t know why his opinion matters.

If Trump were to shut down the govā€™t to get his wall, he would quickly surrender in a week because Dems would happily let him take the blame for it with an election approaching. Thatā€™s Politics 101.


I would be very happy to never hear either from or about this pitiful excuse for a human being ever again.


Treasonous Nazi says what? If we can ever take control of the government again I expect and demand that ā€œpeopleā€ like this dirty Nazi traitor be investigated and prosecuted for his manifest crimes against our country.

No cowardice from the Dems - we need to view these criminals as enemies of the people just as they view the rest of us. Difference is weā€™re actual Americans, I have no idea what these right wing things are.


Also a smart move to spend your fund to create a movie that is geared toward your current supporters. Smart move.


Seems to be a lot of that going around.

His assessment of the house is correct, but his view of the solution is wrong. Rallying around Trump is not going to help. It is a pure numbers game and their just arenā€™t enough Republicans to win if Democrats show up. There never are.


Why hasnā€™t this guy been indicted yet?


One of the things many people will ask themselves before voting for change is ā€¦am I better off than before? Unless we enter a bear market, that answer will be yes for many people. Even if they do not like Trump or agree with everything Republicans do, they will be hesitant to take a chance on change. Iā€™ve always thought as long as the economy holds up, we may not do as well as hoped in November. Max Boot basically wrote the same thing yesterday in the WP.

ETA: The Republicans will run hard on the economy. They will cherry-pick data:

Progressives should keep their wallets closed and do as little as possible to help stimulate it with major purchases. We should have been doing that for over a year already.

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That is objectively false for the vast majority of Americans. The tax cuts didnā€™t affect the working class much at all (oh boy! I have another $1.47 in my paycheck every other week!) Those of us in the middle/upper middle class were helped a little more, but many of us were warned by our tax preparer of potential problems with the tax cut.

Among the working class, those who have rejoined the labor force and found a job might be objectively better off, but wages are still stagnant. Corporations took their tax windfall and did exactly what Democrats said they would do: they bought their stock back, to inflate their book value. That helps their shareholders on paper, but you have to sell to realize the gain.

For most Americans, the answer to your question is, ā€œReally, just about the same.ā€ Is that a reason to vote to stay the course with Donald Twitler? Weā€™ll find out on November 7, wonā€™t we?


This is how the House of Republicans meets itā€™s end. It will be shattered by all the splinter groups. Bannon has no ideas of what roiling shitstorm has done to our country.

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people should ā€œseparate out the signal from the noise.ā€

Heā€™s right about that, but heā€™s wrong about which is signal and which is noise.


Most people will look at their retirement accounts when asking that question, not the tax cuts. They will also look at the employment situation.


I canā€™t decide if the progressive media is more sadistic or masochistic in its need to give air and print space to people like Bannon.
Either way, we lose.

The Republicans passed a stimulus bill that over charged the already strong economy. it is going to cost us in the long run.

Trump is doing all he can to screw that up with his trade war bullshit.

If we continue moving as Trump is taking us we are going to be weak and in debt up to our eyeballs.


He argued thereā€™s still time to turn that around and is launching a group, Citizens of the American Republic, to pitch the election as a vote to protect Trump from that outcome.

Basically a press release for his new bucket shop/bag of magic beans, aimed at gaga zillionaires like Sheldon Adelson and the Mercers.
All that Seinfeld money should be enough for ordinary mortals, but grifters got to grift.

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