Discussion: Bannon Gives 'War Horse' Pelosi A 10/10 Job Performance Rating

After giving Pelosi a thumbs up, Bannon proceded to cough up a lung and groan under the pain of his gout…

Steve Bannon, former White House chief strategist

Can we get some air quotes on former?


Not forcing the Republican Senators to vote after a Senate trial is exactly what the Republicans want.

So why shouldn’t Bannon be happy with Pelosi?

"Not Worth It" is the re-make of “Off The Table” both starring Nancy Pelosi.

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Is Bannon a cooperating witness/informant or not? He seems too happy for a guy who knows what bad shit went down to get Donnie Moscow elected, and who spent a shit-tonne of time with team Mueller.


I think she goes to 11.


I assume “War Horse” is better than “Battle Axe” ?


Oh, garbage. What they want is for Democrats to overreach and impeach the President when the rest of the country is not on board. They’d absolutely love that right now.

Edited to add that there is not one single Congressional Republican who is at all afraid, or who would hesitate for even a second, to vote against impeachment and/or conviction. This was a ridiculous assertion.


Seems Steve experienced a razor attack.

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Oh, garbage. Republicans always gaslight Democrats into thinking that any kind of exercise of legitimate power is an “overreach”.

There is no constituency out there that is saying “I’ll vote against Trump, but only if you don’t impeach him!” There’s a fairly sizeable “go after Trump!” constituency as well as a “leave him alone!” constituency. Thing is: the latter constituency is made up of Trump supporters.

I’d love to see a Senate trial exposing all of Trump’s crimes, followed by all the Republican Senators being forced to make the choice of whether they really want to stand by him or not. It’s the only way that he’ll be taken down.

And Democrats who think that they can just push this all out to the election are quite possibly kidding themselves. After all, beating Trump was supposed to be “easy” in 2016. What has changed since then? Democrats are just as feckless as ever. What kind of national security posture is shown by refusing to stand up to Trump? Great way to project weakness.

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People arguing against impeachment ought to think long and hard about the fact that you’ve got Steve Bannon on your side.

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I’d suggest that you work on your reading comprehension, since that’s not really a response to anything I wrote.

I’d love to see a Senate trial exposing all of Trump’s crimes

And how are you proposing to do that when none of the investigations is completed?

followed by all the Republican Senators being forced to make the choice of whether they really want to stand by him or not.

Duh. They’ll stand by him. Why on earth would you think that such a vote be in any way problematic at this time?

People arguing against impeachment ought to think long and hard about the fact that you’ve got Steve Bannon on your side.

LOL… This doesn’t even warrant a response other than derisive laughter.

You’re just trying to cheer me up, aren’t you?



Good post!

I think it is hysterical that some people here actually think Republicans want Democrats to impeach Trump.

What a hoot. Amazing, really. :joy:

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"Oh, garbage. Republicans always gaslight Democrats into thinking that any kind of exercise of legitimate power is an “overreach”.

I’d suggest that you work on your reading comprehension, since that’s not really a response to anything I wrote.

"Oh, garbage. What they want is for Democrats to overreach and impeach the President "

(peer inquisitively)

I’d love to see a Senate trial exposing all of Trump’s crimes

“And how are you proposing to do that when none of the investigations is completed?”

So, we were talking about “things nobody said…”

followed by all the Republican Senators being forced to make the choice of whether they really want to stand by him or not.

“Duh. They’ll stand by him. Why on earth would you think that such a vote be in any way problematic at this time?”

What’s with “at this time”? The problem is that Pelosi has essentially ruled out any impeachment in the next 20 months. Not right now. At all. She said “Trump isn’t worth it”. That was a clear signal that she had no interest in impeachment hearings at all. No matter what Mueller said. Indeed, the statement could be read as a signal to Trump to go ahead and keep the Mueller report from getting published at all. Why else would Pelosi have said anything now?

People arguing against impeachment ought to think long and hard about the fact that you’ve got Steve Bannon on your side.

“LOL… This doesn’t even warrant a response other than derisive laughter.”

Oh, but it does. You have one of Trump’s main advisors telling us it’s a good idea to not prosecute Trump for his crimes. That anybody could stand by such a position and not see it as transparently pro-Trump/pro-Republican is gaslighting of the highest level. Your “derisive laughter” is a defense mechanism because you’ve run out of ideas to justify this nonsense.

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You said that you wanted to see a Senate trial exposing all of Trump’s crimes. Since the investigations have not been completed or, in some cases, not even begun, such a trial manifestly cannot happen at this time, which means that my question still stands: how are you proposing to have this trial that you’d love to have when the investigation that must take place before such a trial can commence has not yet happened?

What’s with “at this time”? The problem is that Pelosi has essentially ruled out any impeachment in the next 20 months.

No, actually she didn’t. There’s that reading comprehension issue again.

Oh, but it does.

Nope. Not even going to engage with that bit of foolishness. The logical fallacy there is so blatant that it doesn’t even warrant pointing out that it’s a logical fallacy. You can figure out the flaws in your argument for yourself.

I think it is hysterical that you are unable to actually engage with what people say. And I love even more that you have managed to convince yourself that any Congressional Republican is even remotely worried about an impeachment trial at this time, or even remotely worried about voting against impeachment. What a hoot. Amazing, really.

Yeah, good ol’ Mitch McConnell is absolutely quaking in his boots at the thought of an impeachment trial right now. Clearly.