Discussion: Baltimore Police Arrest More Than 60 People After Protesters Blocked Highway

Good idea.

All lives matter, and you can’t trust the government. Right, conservatives?

Good for them. Wish I was there. …and also that charges are dismissed.

For those to whom it is relevant, the 12th of Tammuz in the Hebrew calendar is the Yahrzeit (the anniversary of the death) of Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner. This year, the 12th is July 17-18 (the day begins at sunset the day before—that would be this evening). On their Yahrzeit, I light a candle for Andrew and Michael and for James Earl Chaney, the young man who was working with them and was murdered along with them. I light the 24 hour candle for them and for Emmitt Till, for Denise McNair, Carole Robertson, Cynthia Wesley and Addie Mae Collins, the little girls murdered in the bombing of Birmingham’s 16th Street Baptist Church, for Medgar Evers and for all of the other victims of racist murders — African-Americans as well as men and women of all races killed as workers for civil and voting and equal rights for all Americans. G-d bless each of them and their families. May there be no more.