Discussion: Baltimore Hires Lawyer With Ties To Neo-Nazi Group To Defend Police Dept

A lawyer recently hired by the city of Baltimore to defend police in a wrongful murder conviction suit has ties to a neo-Nazi group, according to an investigation from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) published on Wednesday.

Sounds like he should get along with his clients like a cross-on-fire.


Is this due to Trump’s full on effort at legitimizing white nationalism and neo-Nazism? or are policemen prone to such associations?


’ “I do not think that supremacist is a proper characterization for people who take a degree of pride in their own separate histories.”’ That right there is why you shouldn’t have been hired. The answer is ‘NO! Hell no!’ You can peddle this weasel speak if asked ‘are you happy to be a white man?’


The new face of character assassination. Yep, 15 years ago, he attended a meeing with bad people.

What a shameful piece of shit this article is. This is appalling crap. Honestly, this is gutter shit.

He had some “awful experiences with black people” in the Army. I wonder how some of them would characterize their experiences with him.

He completely had nothing to do with the white supremacists after the 1980s (would that be, perhaps when he had to certify a lack of criminal connections for his bar application?) except for that time in 2003. And 2007. And a few years ago…

The obvious next question is who in the city government made this hiring decision, where they got his name, and who they’ve been donating to.


No…but maybe you should have read the ENTIRE article instead of just the first paragraph. There was also THIS little nugget: 'Allen is also associated with the American Eagle Party, which the SPLC designates as a hate group. FEC records highlighted by SPLC show that Allen donated $950 to the party’s political committee from 2014-2015." And then the stuff from 2007. ‘Character assassination’? Hardly. Questions? Yes and don’t you think he should ANSWER them or we are just not allowed to know.


The SPLC designates a huge number of groups as “hate groups”. Any group they hate, gets that label. I no longer believe their shit. Many groups which simply disagree with them are “hate groups”. They have tarnished their brand.

Allen is also associated with the American Eagle Party, which the SPLC designates as a hate group. FEC records highlighted by SPLC show that Allen donated $950 to the party’s political committee from 2014-2015.

And that’s probably only because 2016 records may not yet be available!

The SPLC’s definition of a “hate group” includes any group with beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people - particularly when the characteristics being maligned are immutable.

Did the group do this or not do this? That’s it. Easy enough.


Nick is right in a twisted kind of way: the SPLC believes you shouldn’t peddle hate for a living, so any group that does so is de facto disagreeing with them…



Danger, nick is in the house.

Feed not the drool!

Extreme un-vetting —

Hiring a racist defense attorney pretty much validates the DOJ finding that the Baltimore City Police Department engages in a pattern or practice of conduct that violates the First and Fourth Amendments of the Constitution as well as federal anti-discrimination laws.

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And he gave them significant amounts of money within the last year or two. Grow up, pantwetter. The guy should have been vetted before being hired. This kind of carelessness is what will touch off another fucking riot. It sends a message loud and clear that the Baltimore police force, regardless of whatever nonsense you want to come up with about them being run by Dems/liberals or having black people in positions of power, is indeed being used as an instrument of white power and minority oppression…not just obliviously or negligently, but INTENTIONALLY.


Right? Who hasn’t attended a Holocaust-denial conference in the last decade?! This guy has, David Duke has, you have, a good chunk of Trump’s core supporters have, Ahmadinejad has…


I wondered for about .00005 seconds. Then I formed a preliminary conclusion. I know, jumping to conclusions, and no hard evidence. But I would bet a few year’s salary that I’m right.

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The Neo-Nazi was just fired.