Discussion: Ballot Count For Tight Kansas GOP Primary Drags On

So the recount has to be requested before the initial count is finished? And completed within two days of the final completion date for the initial count? This is going to be a mess if it’s requested.


So just out of curiosity when they do the recount will they only be looking for votes (provisional, late mail-in, or over seas) for the Republican ballot? In our primary election we in MO had to vote on Right To Work and a couple of propositions to amend the county’ charter. So I could see that if we had a close race on the Republican side that those ballots that weren’t initially counted could tip a few propositions.

Ballot Count For Tight Kansas GOP Primary Drags On

Come, come, you got to give the asswipe and company time to forge and surprise find uncounted votes…

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I think it is appalling that either of these clowns got so many votes.


I will get a small chuckle if this clown loses.

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I have to think (regarding Kobach) a man this corrupt in his professional life probably has more than a few skeletons in his personal life. The two are often intertwined. I give you one Donald Trump as exhibit A.


Provisional ballots?

Time for a bit of that old voter suppression magic.

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Yeah, but one of them is a clown that lurks in sewers to consume the energy created by frightening little children, and the other merely kills and buries his victims in his crawl space.

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How do they weed out the millions of votes by “illegals”? Asking for a friend…


No such propositions on the Kansas ballot. Zero questions for the entirety. Either all Dem candidates, or all Repub…

That’d be all the votes for Colyer.

Or the 4,000 votes that went for the 4 high school candidates that were also on the ballot.

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Recounts only apply to the race at hand… not to other results.

I find it odd that no one is talking about “spoiled” ballots, i.e. ballots that were either undervoted or overvoted. I’ve done a little research, and there are potentially hundreds of uncounted, valid votes. For instance, in Johnson County, the most populous county in Kansas, there were 52 overvoted, and 614 undervoted, ballots. In the second largest county, there were a combined 408 overvoted or undervoted ballots.

These two counties account for about 20% of the total votes cast in the GOP primary, and if these counties are typical, there are well over 5000 “spoiled” ballots in the states with potential valid votes.

Ever since Bush v. Gore elections aren’t decided by the voters, they’re decided by the litigators.

1 for me
1 for you
2 for me
1 for you
3 for me
1 for you.
ahhh lost count
Do over