Discussion: Back To 1964: Rand Paul's Eccentric Bargain With The GOP

Discussion for article #235113

There are no different kinds of republicans. Rand will only be as “different” as the rabid base will allow. He’s already started to change his tune as his announcement drew near. Soon he’ll be singing the same, tired old songs.


I think he’s too unstable for that.


The hipster veneer of Paul ‘16 will certainly be eroded when voters are reminded of decidedly 19th-century Paul Family thinking on monetary policy, international organizations and reproductive rights.

Yeah I heard him on the Teevee the other day proclaiming that parents “own” their children – he talks with these weird simplifications a lot. Children are citizens, usually in custody of, but never owned by, their parents.

How soon does a primary opponent (or Hillary) wish to get out front and paint him as a nut? Easy assignment, says I.



Sounds more like 1924!!!


"Back to 1964"

rotflmao____ Most of his fellow RepubliKKKlan’ POTUS wannabees’ are waving and shouting: “WTF? You’re out of touch Chia Pet Head’! Back …go back more! 1860 sounds about right!”


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The hipster veneer of Paul ‘16

Wrong apostrophe. It’s ’16, not ‘16.

“Lord, make me chaste, but not yet!”

This is going to be a very real problem for Paul, not because of its inherent “flip-floppyness”, but because while Paul himself is quite willing to change his position when he perceives it to be expedient, but because the rabble that makes up his campaign staff are not going to be willing to follow him in those changes. And Paul is not the sort to run a tight campaign. So watch for lots of mixed messaging, really odd flip flops, and a general perception that Paul just lacks the smarts to run a national campaign (which is true, but it will be greatly exasperated by these divides) in the coming months.

Plus, as we say yesterday, combine the above concept with the sort of unprofessionalism we saw yesterday on his web site (Seriously…misspelling education??) and I predict his very short campaign will produce some great laughs. And it will be short. Its not going to take Paul long to realize he has no hope and needs to drop out in order to run for his Senate seat.


Every time I see those goofy contrived baby curls on Randy’s head, those lazy dissolute eyes and that un-made bed of a face, I can’t help thinking the offspring of love match between Ron Paul and Alad Ladd on a bender.


Rand Paul will not be President. Phony presidents do not exists, stupid maybe (W) crooked (Nixon) horny (Clinton) but phony…None. Period!

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He’s only in it for the money. First raise a hundred mega bucks. Then hope real hard some huge new previously undiscovered base jells in his favor. Drive the GOP short bus through primary season. Drop out.
O my. Look at that pile of cash to secure his Senate seat. Mission accomplished.


No young men and women off to foreign wars except at the behest of Israel.


He’ll pull in a few smarmy college libertarians at the expense of a lot of old and dogmatic racists. I could foresee a future election cycle where he gains some traction, but in 2016 and with the current psychopathic army we call the Republican party, I’m having a hard time imagining he’ll be anything more than a memory to most people in a couple of years. Like father, like son.

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The modern GOP demands complete conformity as an opening bid. Every variation is apostasy and will be crushed. I see Paul’s candidacy as complete folly. He has created a vibrant, thinking constituency which exists only in his mind, and certainly NOT in the Republican Party, especially those who vote in Presidential primary elections!


He’s only offering that today. If it doesn’t play well in the press, he’ll offer the opposite tomorrow, or even later tonight.


This assumes that Paul is serious about the libertarian stuff. Look at the huge gap between his voting record, campaigning and public positions:



You forget that Randy won the CPAC straw poll for the last three years running. There’s nothing more basely Republican than CPAC. The last person to win before Rand was Mitt Romney (although some said he bought it, much as he tried to buy the presidency). Winning the CPAC straw poll doesn’t necessarily mean he’ll get the nomination, but it does indicate that he has some appeal to the basest of the Republican base.

On the other hand, whom the gods would destroy, they first let win the CPAC straw poll.


Here are your Paul “family values”:

(Scans of Ron Paul’s racist, homophobic, conspiracy theory laden newsletters.)
A rather small tent will be needed for Rand.

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My take on Rand Paul is that he’s a man who’s playing a role.The vocal and body language he demonstrated in his announcement speech yesterday was bizarrely “theatrical” and “stilted” with a certain “Foghorn Leghorn” Je ne sais quoi. I watched part of it and ended up laughing my ass off. It was almost a parody of a political speech; mostly unoriginal, cliched “conservatarian” claptrap.

If this is the best he’s got? I’m certainly not worried. Unless of course the Villagers do a really heavy lifting job carrying water for him. For example, that gift to objective reality, Chris Cillizza [1]:

Can he actually win?

The answer, I think, is yes – although to do so Paul would not only
need to overcome a crowded and talented field of rivals but also be on
the leading edge of a transformation of the Republican Party, the likes
of which we haven’t seen in more than three decades.

Ah, so much Republican Talent to overcome, so much transformation to transform. As I’ve often said, the politicians don’t worry me, the idiot press and the uninformed voters on the other hand worry me a lot.

[1]Why is this doofuss still a thing??


And, you can ban abortion and oppose those gays marrying each other. Liberty!

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