“I don’t think God sits things out. He’s a sovereign God.” (Michele Bachmann)
Mmmmkay. I’m sovereign, too, and tell him to keep on his side of the border wall, please.
Poor woman is nuttier than squirrel poop.
Michelle, darling, please get help. Isn’t the Mayo clinic open in Minnesota?
Simple. Once Clinton wins, MB can recognize that Hillary is God’s chosen sovereign.
“Bachmann cited the Book of Daniel…”
I’ve never understood why Christians quote from the Jewish Bible to make a point.
After 9/11 a lot of folks on the right made the same claim about George W. Bush. And we know how well that turned out , don’t we?
Former Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), who has been advising Donald Trump on foreign policy …
Is Bachmann advising Trump on his Mexico trip today? Will she be travelling with him?
That should be interesting.
… said on Tuesday that God played a role in the real estate mogul becoming the Republican presidential nominee.
God replied:
For Christ’s sake, leave me out of it.
Daniel teaches the most high God, which is one of God’s names, is the one who lifts up who he will and takes down who he will.
Yes, god would have to be high to lift up Trump but I do appreciate that she seems to know that Donnie will be taken down!
But I thought god spoke directly to Heidi Cruz and told her that her husband would win? Seems that god is too much of a flip-flopper to be taken seriously…
is this what it’s like to wander alone in the desert hallucinating and wondering why god has forsaken you?
Go suck on a corndog, Shelly
ISIS: We agree. Allah made him the nominee and now he will make him POTUS. We also think Bachmann in a Burqua is a better look.
As of today, it would appear God prefers Hillary.
If God chooses Presidents, Shelly, he chose Obama. Why did you spend years attacking God’s chosen President?
Probably because the New Testament condemns them to hell?
Imma stealing this…
NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—The billionaire Donald J. Trump’s bid to become a born-again Christian failed over the weekend after Jesus Christ turned down his friend request, campaign officials have acknowledged.
Jesus, who has not generally been active on Facebook, made a rare appearance on the social network on Monday to announce His decision to ignore the presumptive Republican nominee’s request for a personal relationship with Him.
In a brief post, Jesus offered the following explanation: “Just everything.”
Sadly…strangely? This kind of thinking is more common then you think in red rural America.
I saw a comment on a friend’s Facebook post that said, “This is why God changed Trump to a conservative and is gonna save the USA and defeat Isis ASAP”
Lots of people really believe this stuff.
Poor Michele, she is cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.
“…‘God Raised Up’ Trump To Be GOP Nominee”____Proof that God has a sick sense of humor.
Don’t you just love Borowitz??