Discussion: AZ State Rep. Says GOP Leaders Forced Him Out Over Expunged Criminal Record

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Sounds like he got a sweetheart deal on that charge, and then split town for the great southwest.


Yeah. And the check’s in the mail.


More GOP squealing from different pig pens…


AZ State Rep. Says GOP Leaders Forced Him Out Over Expunged Criminal Record

Well that’s uncharacteristic of the GOP.


A good friend served as a case manager in Baltimore and ran into instances where this kind of deal would be offered, with the alternative being stay in jail for 3 years awaiting trial. It is probably equally likely that he didn’t do anything and was forced into this arrangement because he couldn’t afford a sharp lawyer.

My litmus test would be to look at whether he had a public defender. If so, I’d bet he was innocent.

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“The charges stem from two underage boys claiming that Stringer paid them for sex.”

Just another Republican “job creator”.


The offense happened in 1983 and he has been clean since? There is a reason for the law allowing criminal records to be expunged under circumstances reviewed by a court. I don’t care if this guy is a Republican, the result stinks to high heaven and the newspaper should be ashamed.

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“She told me she was 18” used to work back in the day. Then again when she pushed you in a closet and told you to be quiet, her brother just came home for lunch and she’s not supposed to have friends over when she’s supposed to be at cheerleading practice, well, that happened too. And the idiot brother decides not to go back to work, he’s taking the afternoon off. And you’re stuck in the closet for about 4 hours. I mean, c’mon, really?

Venting for a friend.

Mick Mulvaney will be giving this guy a call any hour now…


Sounds like Assistant to the Ambassador to the Vatican is a lock.


Current sex offenders go on a national registry, and expungement of their charges does not remove them from the registry. It’s like getting stuck on the no-fly list.


I remember something about ex post facto laws being prohibited by the constitution, but I guess that doesn’t apply to sex offenders.


Only for republicans does not having a current conviction amount to qualification for office.


“The United States may be the first nation in history to voluntarily surrender its traditional culture and national identity to other peoples,” he concludes. “We are only beginning to experience the consequences.”


I’m pretty sure that already happened here a few hundred years back.

Before we get all weepy about this jerk who paid a developmentally disabled kid for sex, let’s remember some of his recent comments.

Among other remarks, the Prescott
lawmaker can be heard saying “African-Americans and other racial groups
don’t … blend in” after coming to the United States and that, unlike
immigrants of European descent, they "always look different."The recordings surfaced less than six months after Stringer was pilloried for saying there weren’t "enough white kids to go around” in the state’s public schools and calling immigration an “existential threat” to the country.

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