Discussion: AZ State Rep Calls For Constitutional Convention On Cruz's Birth Issue

Discussion for article #244769

I’m sure such a convention would go very smoothly, without any partisan rancor, and without getting tangled in other issues.

Yes, I’m a bit slow.


Looks like this is just the beginning of Ted’s not-so-excellent adventure.

Couldn’t happen to a more deserving slimeball.


Honestly, getting that question answered would be a good idea.

Getting it answered in the middle of a Presidential Primary, when the world couldn’t possibly get more partisan, is, of course a terrible idea.

But this is from an Arizona dimwit. So, you know.


So, they have already voted on the State Gun, so now it’s time to amend the federal constitution to let Cruz slither in.


True, but the way to do it would be to propose a Constitutional amendment, not to have a convention. In short, there’s no way to restrict a convention to addressing a single issue - once you’ve got a convention, they can turn their attention to absolutely anything. That would be a prescription for disaster.


Is Cruz that popular in AZ?


I don’t know, but I guess they have to do something with their time.


She’s onto something. But I actually believe this should be decided by the UN Security Council.


Are you kidding? That’s what makes it brilliant!

And if there’s a hell, that’s where I’m gonna end up, because I am enjoying someone’s suffering - specifically Ted Cruz’s - far, far too much.


Because the terror of losing Cruz as a Presidential candidate is such a threat to the Nation? For the first time since the signing, we’ve reached this perilous point. What the hell do we have courts for?





Apart from the inanity of this idea, a constitutional convention could be a reality in, say, 2018. Don’t think there’s any realistic timeframe for action before 2026 GE.

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Oh, for goodness’ sake. If God wants Ted Cruz to be President he’ll just quietly change our history and Constitution overnight and we’ll wake up and Ted’ll be good to go. The fact that Ted is awful and everybody hates him besides the fact that he was born in Alberta—not many Presidents come out of Alberta—may be God’s message to us that he doesn’t want Ted to be President. No sense tying ourselves in knots over this.


Stupid reason to call a Constitutional Convention when this could be resolved by the SCOTUS. Too much is put at risk in a convention. Personally I like the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 13th and 14th amendments and all would be put at risk in a convention. So, the SCOTUS should answer the question and failing that how about an amendment with specific language?

This is even more stupid than the lawsuit from the 85 year old Texas lawyer.

I swear there are members on my AZ legislature who make hammers look intelligent. (pounds head on desk)


Not in my house he isn’t.

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How about a petition up at whitehouse.gov for the president to refer the matter to the SCOTUS? It’d be the first case in I dunnohowlong where a lot of us, like me, wouldn’t give a crap if the Dem-appointees are in the minority. I say let those RWNJs on the Supreme Court eat this one all by themselves.

Alternatively, there should be a Kickstarter for some sort of class action or a group of such lawsuits to be filed, to include all those who, for whatever reason want to actively participate in opposing Cruz’ eligibility to be sworn as POTUS.

Some could choose to do no more than contribute money, as little as a few spare bucks, maybe even just a chicken.

Others could volunteer to organize and draft court filings and come up with the dozens (maybe hundreds, could be thousands, who knows at this stage could be in the millions) of arguments as to all sides of all relevant issues, including:

  • why Cruz ought to be denied the chance to serve,
  • why Cruz’ name shouldn’t be allowed on any ballot,
  • why Cruz ought not be allowed to accept a nomination,
  • why Cruz’ name should be strucke from all state primary ballots,
  • why Cruz should be denied TV talking head time,
  • why it is, now that President Obama has started up the process towards full diplomatic relations with Cuba, before tjhat process gets too far along we ought to make sure to ship Cruz’ fat white ass back to Cuba on the first leaky raft we can find, assuming of course Cuba will take him
  • why an individual American, or a group of them of yet indeterminate size, ought to be provided a free shot at punching that douchenozzle right in the schnozzle.
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