Discussion: Ayotte: Trump's Predatory Comments 'Inappropriate And Offensive'

I thought he was a role model.


But sheā€™s still planning on voting for him, and, by the way, wants you NH people to vote for HER for a second term as a U.S. Senator? So says Hillary is no role model, you knowā€¦ RIGHT!!!


Oh fuck you Kelly.

With tRumpā€™s tiny orange dick


Thatā€™s what she said.

Or should it be, Thatā€™s what she said.


Not a very strong condemnation for such strong repulsive language. As bad as Trumpā€™s non-apology.


This type of behavior was completely predictable. This is what Trump is, and you would have to be a fool to be shocked or surprised by this. Ayotte needs to pay for claiming heā€™s a roll model and she should be made to look like a fool when she acts surprised by the tape.


Man, this thing is blowing up. Turns out a guy who already has serious problems with women probably shouldnā€™t be recorded talking like a goddamn rapist. Call me old-fashioned but Iā€™m thinking political gravity is still a thing, and the ground is still hard enough that you donā€™t want to fall on it from a great height.


But sheā€™s still supporting him? In that case her comment is worthless. Inappropriate, offensive, but vote Trump? Bah


:unamused: voting for Ayotte is inappropriate and offensive.


The people of NH who were considering whether or not to vote for Ayotte for a second term, (and there are mighty few, since she has done nothing but obstruct Obama and Democrats for her first six years in the U.S. Senate), well those that were considering maybe giving her a second 6 years, I think Kelly, herself, convinced them otherwise with her own words, actions to take back her own words, and her spineless endorsement of Trump, followed by her hollow words of condemnation of Trumpā€™s words today. Hang it up, Kelly, plan on moving back to the hills of NH, your political career is OVER !!

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Well, Hair Furor has nailed down the ā€˜Ungrateful bitches!ā€™ vote for sure now.

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I wonder if TPM will post an article tonight about the apparent wikileaks dump of Clinton speech transcripts and apparently other stuff from John Podestaā€™s email accountā€¦

I read some of the speech quotes on politico just now. They donā€™t strike me as much of a big deal. Sheā€™s more or less triangulating herself for her audience. Curious what else will come to light over the weekend.


Quick Kelly! Thereā€™s a bus RIGHT THERE. Throw him under it!

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Stand by your man Kelly. That will work for you.


Gee, that was ill-timed. : )

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ā€œtotally inappropriate and offensive,ā€ But Iā€™m still voting for himā€¦not endorsingā€¦votingā€¦there is a difference. Says the woman without a back bone!


you gotta know hillary and her advisors came into this cycle loaded for bear. such an easy target, so much ammunition. leak, drip explosion. leak, drip, explosion. repeat as necessary. go for the jugular.


Itā€™s not over until itā€™s over, and they know that as well as anyone. But if they play the bongo drums just a little bit tonight, quietly, I wouldnā€™t blame them. : )


FOX: Trump is a true role model. A true patriot woman longs to be touched and grabbed by Sir Trump. Itā€™s the highest compliment/honor. We can only hope Trumps looks at our women. They all miss Ailes really badly.
Paul Ryan: This is not a big deal, just like losing $1billion.

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