Avenatti’s first duty is to his client, not prosecutors, the media or even the American people.
Looks to me like someone is burying the lede here. No one seems to have asked why the Feds want to ask about the Stormy Daniels payment. The only logical answer is that the feds are looking at it as a violation of campaign finance laws – and if that is true, its the first time its been reported, AFAIK
Hardly the first time it has been discussed as a campaign-finance violation. It’s been all over the news for weeks. Maybe months. I’m losing track of time as the tRump maladministration stumbles on.
Hmmm, one can’t help suspecting that Avenatti is simply trying to suppress information that weakens Stormy’s claim or casts doubt on her veracity. I hope that’s not the case. But this move and the bankruptcy finding sorta tarnish Avenatti’s superhero shield. I hope I’m wrong about that.
You have that one right. In the background is looming a potential $20,000,000 judgment against Stormy. Avenatti has a duty to do every thing he can to stop that judgment from being entered. That means he needs to know what the ex-lawyer knows and what he is going to say before he becomes a cooperating witness against Cohen.
I do think it is important to recognize that Mueller’s move suggests possible campaign finance violations. By the way Davidson, the lawyer, seems to be implicated deeply in at least 2 or possibly 3 of Cohen’s hush money payments. It appears he may have violated the canons of ethics at several points. The lawyer might have a hard time keeping his license. I hope he has a lot of malpractice insurance.
Compare the SDNY leak policy to Mueller. The WSJ seems to have sources in all the different factions.
but the first time its been reported that the Feds are looking into it as a criminal matter… that is news.
He can always transition into some financial planning/broker/fund manager position. TrumpCo is quickly eliminating the requirements any of those fields hold their officials to any sort of professional standards.
Anyone else notice how many of these “planted” stories about how “shady” Avenatti is have been appearing with increasing frequency?
Especially in the right-wing rags: WSJ, Washington Times, DC AP bureau, etc.
This is a well-coordinated media campaign to discredit him before the trial even starts.
Probably being run out of one of the Reich-Wing Think Tanks since the “stories” appear, all at the same time, in all the “usual” Reich-Wing outlets.
It has all the hallmarks of a Roger Stone “ratfuck” campaign (not necessarily run by him however.)
From @MichaelAvenatti
“Any media report citing “unnamed sources” (and not a single document) suggesting we are delaying the investigation into Mr. Cohen and DJT is completely false and without basis. We have already waived the privilege as to a host of docs and communications to ensure justice is done.”
Avenatti’s even went as far as…
Avenatti (has) went gone as far as… Or Avenatti even went as far…
His client has exposure and he needs to be careful as to how he approaches it.
However it clashes with his 24/7 media blitz of ‘we just want the truth to get out’.
Hopefully this will be resolved shortly.
I found that one too but you beat me by 15 minutes.
Davidson was a Trojan Horse, pretending to be Stormy’s lawyer while working for the other side. A “spy”, in the modern lingo.
Let’s not forget that Trump and Cohen were all over the privilege issue. In this case we have an actual client and actual lawyering (well, formal lawyering, even if unethical and incompetent.)
Davidson talking to prosecutors doesn’t necessarily ‘get the truth out.’
I will eventually when the indictments start flying.
Davidson’s role is a key issue for Avenatti to demonstrate that the ‘Dennison-Peterson’ contract between Trump/Daniels is invalid. Davidson was working with Cohen against the interests of his client, Daniels. I read the original agreement and a conservative judge could determine that it is facially valid. Avenatti needs to mitigate that risk and obliterate the enforceability of that contract entirely. Feds should reach out to him and cut a deal. He’s doing his job as a lawyer.
It’s been reported before that feds are investigating Cohen for bank fraud and violation of campaign finance laws. Also for other things that I’ve forgotten.