Discussion: Avenatti Claims To Represent A Third Woman With 'Credible' Info On Kavanaugh

I just hope it’s not Stormy Daniels.


Republicans are openly complaining that “every man” is now disqualified for everything if the new standard excludes The Kav’s entitled frat-piggery. We should take at face value, their candid assessments of every Republican man in their orbit.


These new revelations should fold in nicely with Cosby’s sentencing as the week rolls on.


My wife asked me last night if I had any Kav-like experiences to confess. I laughed pretty good.

No. No I do not.

Not all men have these closet skeletons to hide.


the number of times i’ve heard GOP a-holes (both men and women) say “every guy did this stuff” is unbelievable. i can’t tell if they’re lying to cover for kavanaugh, or if almost all republican men are rapists.


I will suffer through weeks of his grandstanding and self promotion as he involves himself in this. Based on the Stormi saga, he is effective and backs up his claims.
It will be sweet to watch he lawyer for a pornstar help end this Kavanaugh hell.
Although she will never read this; THANK YOU FOR YOUR COURAGE DR. FORD. Many times, where there is one, there are others.


Oh, yeah! High school, Yale, now this! Let the deluge begin!


Avenatti actually said that Kavanaugh and Judge and other men “would participate in the targeting of women with alcohol/drugs in order to allow a ‘train’ of men to subsequently gang rape them.” “Gang rape,” OK? WTF TPM, why did you leave the most incendiary part out? Is this Fox News?


After a lot of shock- and Norm-busting fatigue, this makes my head spin. The ability of this administration to sink to new lows is just incredible. ETTD!!!

Like others have said, if there is one then there is likely others. Even though I should know better, I really can’t believe there’s more accusations against Kavanaugh. What a cluster fuck. SMH…

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A lot of sophisticated legal types look at Avenatti as basically a Motel 6 lawyer or a sleazy character like ‘Saul’ from Breaking Bad. I don’t. If the guy can back up what he says, I have no problem with him being aggressive and forcing the other side to make mistakes. He plays hard ball the way that old Democratic politicians from the Lyndon Johnson era used to play it, or like Johnny Cochran played it in the 90s. Obviously, he has to back up what he’s saying, but there’s more than enough out there about Judge for us to conclude that what Avenatti is alleging is within the realm of possibility, if not a reasonably plausible conclusion. I know that absolutely no one will be surprised if the allegation against Judge and Kavanaugh (about wild sex parties where they tried to get girls drunk enough to the point where they might get lucky) turns out to be true. If Avenatti can accelerate the revelation of such a story to prevent Kavanaugh from being confirmed, I have no issue with it.


…don’t forget tiger mom Amy Chua. That story helps bring it forward to current times.


Avenatti is running for President.

I am really getting annoyed with the repubs and their enablers continuing with this “all men were involved in this sort of thing in their youth” mantra. I did a lot of stupid and ill advised things in my youth but attempting to rape women under any circumstances drunk or not was not one of them. I have not ever even known anyone who would have been warped enough to attempt something like this. Such behavior is just plain sick and wrong.


Bring it on, Mr. Avenatti. How about a class action lawsuit against the no class GrOPe?

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And that scares the crap out of me

Polling the end of last week indicated that female support for Republicans continues to erode even past its recent lows. Let Rape-ublicans maintain this line of argument.


Are you really falling for that? Has he filed the paperwork? Has he announced? No

When is it going to sink in for Republicans that they have spent the past week trashing an assault survivor while giving effusive praise to a rapist?

Nobody has done any of that yet. But he is publishing position papers and he says that he is thinking about running. 2+2=?