Amazing how fast some people can get indicted while others takes years and years…
Avenatti is going away for a long long while. And given that he is responsible almost single-handedly for putting Barf Kav on the Supreme Court, and via that rallying Republicans to retain the senate, All I can say is that it could not happen to a nicer sleaze bag. He is a bastard, and sorry for those whose bastard he was, he was never mine…
It’s brilliant though that Republicans can’t gloat about deception, fraud and tax evasion because they’re fine with those crimes.
Lol lol lol
It’s weird how having your finances collapse can affect your understanding of where the lines are and make you think stuff that’s patently illegal is smart, slick and technically not a crime.
Between September 2015 and January 2018, Global Baristas US, the company that operated Tully’s, failed to pay the Internal Revenue Service $3.2 million in payroll taxes, including nearly $2.4 milion withheld from employees, the indictment said.
Ok, this was years ago and I may misremember but IIRC if employer steals payroll taxes guess what? You’re still on the hook for your taxes. #Sux2BYou
One of the problems with our employer withholding system…
I guess a pardon from Trump is straight out of the question?
He was going to run for President not so long ago, and I thought he was just another egomaniac thumping his chest for attention. But now I’m not sure he won’t find a way to do so, and I don’t doubt that he would have an excellent chance of winning. A lot of “the base” will surely find him fit for service if their own special dotard falls ill or flees to a country without an extradition treaty.
I’m still shocked that he wasn’t Trump’s attorney.
Is he still going to run for President?
Avenatti sounds an awful lot like one of my ex-husbands except he was never indicted and he did not have jet.
Trump Rule (never followed), If your plan is a life of crime, stay in the dark shadows, no press.
As a lawyer who works hard for my clients to see they get every penny they deserve, I hate hearing stuff like this. I admired Avenatti’s tenacity and of course loved that he was targeting Trump. But if he’s done what the US Attorney said he did, I hope he goes to jail.
The one they will cream him with, if true, will be for stealing employees’ tax withholding. And he’ll deserve it. If true.
Does this mean he won’t be running for president?
He sounds like the ideal candidate to challenge Trump.
You can’t possibly credit Trump for that! Prof. James Moriarty had that one locked up ages ago.
I guess he won’t be running for President. On the other hand, someone just like him is sitting in the White House.