Discussion: Australia PM Accuses Party Of Asking NRA, Koch Industries For Donations

Don’t understand why they didn’t just go straight to Russia.


Ashby, who is party leader Pauline Hanson’s chief of staff, is recorded saying that the party would “own” both the Australian Senate and House of Representatives with a $20 million donation from the U.S. gun lobby. This means the party would hold the balance of power in both chambers and influence a government’s legislative agenda.

It worked in America. Republicans bought and paid for by the NRA and the Koch organization, with some other wealthy conservatives added to the mix.
People out there had better wake up if they want more liberal policies being enacted. It’s never going to happen in this political climate by voting third party. It’s just shouting into the wind. Useless and counter-productive.
Big money is always going to control politics in this country as long as Citizens United is in place, and the current make-up of the Supreme Court will prevent that ruling from being overturned.

Good grief. THINK!


Why do they need a middleman? Putin will pay quickly and he is an expert at money laundering. I think the Aussies have found some traitors. It seems old fashioned patriotism is in decline everywhere.


Dickson and Ashby later told reporters that they had not secured any U.S. money. They also said they had been quoted by Al Jazeera out of context and often after drinking.

So getting shitfaced is their excuse?

ETA: If they drank way more than usually Aussies have been know to do then how do they remember what they said?


many people blame the third party - but a far larger group simply sat out the 2016 election - they are the true culprits, and they need to VOTE

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“They also said they had been quoted by Al Jazeera out of context and often after drinking.”

“The founding fathers would have wanted us drunk and armed with assault rifles!”

(I’m not a hunter—way too loud and i hurt myself with simpler tools like hammers and fishing rods— but I do have friends who hunt deer. Their general take is: if you need more than one shot to hit your target, you have no business hunting at all).

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Anyone who didn’t vote for the only sane choice, are to blame. Those who voted for lord cheeto are the worst of course but 3rd party voters who knew he was insane rank up a little worse then non voters imo.


Sure it would be great if more people would vote, but until that happens, we’ve got to rely on the ones that do.

I’m talking about 2020 at this point, but third party candidates have done their parts as spoilers in the past and still could in the future.


I’ve got a semi-relation who, when someone kills someone else with a knife, argues that it demonstrates the futility of gun regulation. After all, you can kill someone with a knife, or even a baseball bat. He maintains that the nature of the weapon doesn’t matter.

I haven’t heard him say this in a while, but I’m ready, the next time he does. “Three questions… Are you a hunter? Do you hunt deer? Do you hunt deer with a baseball bat?”


Australia’s politics were a warning sign of what happens when Murdoch controls the press, and interjects his racist hate into the body politics. He then infected England and now the US.

One evil man has caused so much dispruption and damage to the world’s safely and security.

I highly recommend the Al Jazeera expose for Americans to see how the NRA is a 501C3 non-profit working at the behest of the GOP and the POTUS. There has got to be some fire there, certainly there is smoke.

It is just sad to see that statistically speaking the efforts by Australia have resulted in less gun deaths and an overall reduction in the national murder rate, yet as Americans, left or right, there are those that refuse to see it for what it is. Less guns, especially semi-automatics and assault rifles equals less gun deaths, period.

Why does my right to liberty and happiness have to be affected by your right to own any type of weapon (yeah i know you can’t have a bazooka, or a tommy gun)? Why does my right to free assembly have to be intimidated by your right to carry a gun anywhere? And yes it is intimidating! The police don’t sleep on my back porch, and the US military isn’t stationed around town, although one could argue that it would be safer. It would also be a lot less free.

Guns are built to do harm, lethal harm. That is their purpose. They should absolutely regulated, and those that cause the most indiscriminate damage in the shortest amount of time, should only be handled by those that are licensed or masterly trained, not every goddam american. I mean sure we can all buy a semi but you still need a license to drive it on the roads.

Why. Because they, by their sheer size and power, add risk to those that are around them. Well for us living in america without guns must suffer living in a society where even and idiot, a bully, a deviant, etc can own a gun if they have no specific criminal record, if the administrative system fails, or if they want it on the black market because as you know the good ol’ USA is swimming in guns.


Dickson and Ashby later told reporters that they had not secured any U.S. money. They also said they had been quoted by Al Jazeera out of context and often after drinking.

Ah, I see, the George Papadopoulos defense playbook.

Do you hunt deer with a baseball bat while the deer has an assault rifle?

If you come at me with a baseball bat I will take it away from you and beat the shit out of you with it.
If you come at me with a knife I will take it away from you and shove it up your ass.
If you shoot me from 200 feet away with an AK, there is not a damn thing I can do about it.

The ammo-sexuals can’t see the difference however because they ALL fantasize that they are “John McClain” (from Die Hard) and can perform double-back-flips while shooting the “bad guy” between the eyes from 200 feet away with their Glock 17 with PERFECT accuracy through a crowd of panicked people. And if THEY get shot, they are certain they will quip “it’s only a flesh wound” as they light up a cigarette and smoke it with a grin on their face.

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Thinning the herd:

Up-and-coming country singer Justin Carter has died after a gun accidentally fired while he was filming a music video. He was 35.

Carters’ mother, Cindy McClellan, told Fox News her son was filming a music video in Houston, Texas, on Saturday when a gun in his pocket “went off and caught my son in the corner of his eye.”


Dickson and Ashby later told reporters that they had not secured any U.S. money.

“That’s right, because they paid us in euros, not US dollars. So there!”

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