Wouldn’t it be great if the good ole USA would be willing to indict an obviously corrupt liar who just happens to be our ‘president’? Kudos to Israel.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Fuck you, Bibi! I hope your rot in prison.
This anti-Semitism has to stop.
An Israeli reporter asked Donnie about the indictments during the presser last night. Donnie said some gibberish and quickly moved on.
Bye bye Bibi.
They are doing it after Netanyahu has been in office for 10 years. I want Trump dealt with faster.
Still not a single exception to the rule that eventually, everything and everyone touched by Trump turns to utter shite.
When will Jared post bail?
Have we impeached our motherfucker yet?
I’ve been waiting to hear this about Bibi and Hooray! Happy Dance!
I can only imagine what that means for Melania.
She’s sure the most MIA first spouse ever.
Benjamin Netanyahu, another victim of the anti-Semitism of the Democrat Party!
Melania’s a scream, ain’t she?
“Be best, bitch!”
She’s a something alright. I haven’t quite decided what.
I wish I could Lik-ud this article more than once. Fuck you, Bibi.
hahahahahahahaha bazinga!
As the Talmudic rabbis say,
What is a clock
But a tick and a tock
On the way to the dock
- Comment on Book of Fuck that Guy, 1857
welp …
Looks like an bibi may declare an Israeli national emergency … somewhere …
airstrikes in 4 …3 …2 …
hahahaha you’re on fire. That’s fucking hilarious.