Discussion: Attorney General: Clerk Kim Davis Violated Open Records Act

If Kim Davis is willing to ignore the Supreme Court of the United States, I don’t see her losing too much sleep over whatever some state official has to say.


Prosecute her serial-marrying, homophobic and Jeebusfreak’ azz and when she refuses to pay the fines, put it back in jail.


Oh, please, I’m eating dinner. Could we maybe stop showing pictures of Miss Piggy, accept that she’s evil. and let karma take care of her.

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So wrong on so many levels and determined to stay that way. Ms Davis, perhaps it’s time you didn’t run for office next time round.


Hey, it’s not as if she is a public servant.


Oh… what a F’ing day … kaloo – kalay

( yes…I am chortling )

I finally worked out the proper term to diagnose Ms. Davis’ distinctive hairdo: it’s a compound bouffant!

We’ve all seen it on enough fundamentalist sister wives to recognize it by now!


Is there any way she could possibly comprehend how f’ing little her religious beliefs mean to most of us? She’s such a profound loser and so entirely unfit for her job; just fire her faith-based ass and find a good atheist to take over.


Isn’t the Flintstone family plot in Kansas?

What a surprise. Another tea party, anti-government, “fiscal conservative” wasting state and local monies by taking unconstitutional and illegal action to block something, costing taxpayers millions. Throw them all out in 2016!


Hmm…seems like Independent Counsel time…I would say if I were a Republican.


Seriously, what is it with that bump? The Palin girls had that too (though not as high). It must be more than a style thing - is there some religious reason for it? Like the pre-Vatican II hankie-on-the-head that women would do if they forgot to bring something nicer to church?




Seriously, how does this lady still have a job?

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Now we know where Cheney’s Mini-Me (the butch one, not the lesbian) gets her snarl. :laughing:


This is only sort of about Davis, this is more about the law firm that represented her as she committed criminal contempt. And the state is in a neat catch-22: they’'re liable for that $25 a day (plus possible add-ons if refusal to comply lasts long enough) as long as they don’t turn any information over, and the private law firm is refusing to even let them review the documents to see if there’s anything to turn over. I think this probably ends in some kind of action against the law firm, which would be nice, because their grasp of the law and the constitution seems kinda tenuous.

(If I understand this right, getting sued in your capacity as a public official makes at least some of your communications with your lawyers and the documents they produce into public records. Even if you hire a private law firm.)

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It’s a way of de-sexualizing female allure by taming the hair seen in fundamentalist strains of all three Abrahamic religions.


She could almost be a fundie LDS.

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It’s not a traditional law firm, it’s a group of fundamentalist lawyers funded by fundamentalists and “constitutionalist” benefactors for the sake of putting more and more of what churches do out of reach of any government oversight body. Their ultimate goal is alloying their version of a church with government, i.e. tearing down any wall of separation between church and state.