Discussion: At Rally, Trump Urges Mobilization Against Dems Who 'Destroy Your Jobs'

“Missing was any reference to the clouds cast by the special counsel’s ongoing investigation into Russian election meddling and near-daily revelations about Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen’s payments to a porn actress who alleges an affair with Trump”.

I’ve got one question: Are AP’s clouds as menacing as the NYT’s?

And a statement: Enough with the “meddling”. It was Sabotage!


The president, who was joined at the Elkhart rally by home-state Vice President Mike Pence, said Democrats would raise taxes, “destroy your jobs” and “knock the hell out of your border.”

  1. The Trump Tax Cut will require you and your kids to pay for the deficits and debt some day soon.
  2. After the Republican/Bush Great Recession which destroyed jobs, the Democrat/Obama Recovery brought the jobs back - Trump merely inherited that.
  3. Does he mean I’ll be able to just go from Illinois to Indiana without climbing a wall and facing all those border agents?



Dumpy , don*t be a Smeghead ALL your life , take a day off now and again .

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Trump lies.

Democrats aren’t making gas prices rise.

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Oh but that evil Kenyan Obama wants it high.

It’s too bad that the people who attend these rallies for Trump are so brainwashed that they cannot see how it is Trump who is destroying more than their jobs, he is destroying their country. It’s amazing to me how the right wing has managed to get so many to vote against their interest. The only hope is educating people, but with the Rs in power, that is not going to happen, they only way they stay in power is to keep the people “dumb”.


Obama suffered broad losses in Congress and in statehouses during the 2010 and 2014 midterm elections, an outcome Trump hopes to avoid.

Hopefully that was a lesson learned. When a republican breathes the lies and deceptions begin.
But trumps going to win big in this category. The largest biggest beat down during a midterm election.
House for sure and hopefully the senate. Definitely possible.
But I’d rather see him in prison watching it on TV so Pence can take the blame for all the failures. lol

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It is quite amazing that an economy which is basically the same as the Obama economy, if not worse, is now accepted by all and sundry as being ‘booming’ and a huge political plus for Trump and a reason for voters to stick with him. Even though his economic policies–tax cuts that will bankrupt the country–have only been in effect for a few months.

Then you remember that the current economy, unlike Obama’s, comes with a new trillion dollar budget deficit increase. That’s a mind-boggling failure. If I’m going to mortgage the country to the hilt, I’d like to see some proportionate increase in the economic performance. So far, zip. The economy is the same except that it now comes at a huge cost.

Democrats have to start messaging on this. It’s too late to undo the catastrophic glass-half-empty communications strategy of Obama. (‘Sorry for saving the car industry. The economic recovery? My bad. The record-breaking job growth? Guilty as charged.’) It’s too late block out the doomsaying Sanders campaign, which basically branded the Democrats as no better than the GOP. But it’s not too late to start saying, every day, ‘The GOP are bankrupting the country.’ (And never mind that ‘bankrupt’ isn’t technically accurate. It’s a figure of speech.) Or simply, “The economy is a disaster.” Say it again and again.


They don’t care. Deficits are okay when there’s a gooper in charge who is laying beat downs on libtards and other brown skin folks. This administration is prospering on incivility and hatred. It’s what 35% of America cheers for. The basic attitude is I don’t give a shit if my house burns down as long as my burnt out rubble gets to destroy your house value next door.

ETA: the modern day trumper has raised cognitive dissonance to a state or level of undead-woke.


True that they don’t care. The danger is that lots of non-Trumpists will believe it and give the GOP credit. Most Americans to this day believe that the GOP is better at economic management that the Dems. That’s a huge and utterly perverse branding advantage that the GOP enjoys. It must be addressed.


He also indicated that he will “extend” his Presidency beyond 8 years, and the media will be fine with that. “When I’m not here, their ratings are going to sink”.

He is broadcasting that he will not peacefully transfer power.


Agreed…it’s sad to watch these deluded fools - middle class people being robbed blind by Trump and his crooked henchmen, all the while worshiping him. The more I watch these rallies, the more Nazi–like they appear - the blind hero worship, the mindless “USA, USA,” chant - there are none so blind as those who will not see. To watch and listen to this narcissistic, ignorant con-man, and think you see a leader requires a level of blindness that is unbelievable.


Elkhart famously went from unemployment of over 20% down to 2.9% over the course of Obama’s presidency, but still it’s nice of Trump to go there and promise to protect their jobs from Democrats.


What about the Republicans that destroyed my job - TWICE - in '04 and '08? Let’s mobilize against them. Many of these magnanimous creeps that were in power then are either congresscritters, lobbying, or are part of the Bankrupter-in-Chief’s administration now.

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Perhaps Trump should review what Barack Obama inherited from 8 years of GW Bush and compare it to what Obama left to Trump 8 years later.
Of course that’s fake and negative news.


Check labor statistics of the 20th Century. One of the great myths among Americans (created and nurtured by Republicans) is that Republicans create way more jobs that Democrats. In fact it’s the exact opposite.


Forget saving these lost souls. The path forward is mobilizing the vote and overcoming voter suppression efforts. You might pick off a few indies here and there but the trumpites are intoxicated with the hater kool-aid and it’s going to take an HD vid of the dotard having relations with devil spawn while burning bibles and speaking Russian before they’ll even flinch.

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It today’s episode of Lying Shitbird people who lose their jobs praise the villain who conspires with bribing oligarchs to allow them to destroy those jobs. Nyah ha ha!

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I’d be happy if the AP would just review it before going along regurgitating Trump’s economic talking points.

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